
Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge 20/1/16

Wednesday's Hodgepodge is brought to us courtesy of Joyce at 

Pop over there to see other posts and if you want to join in add the link to your Hodgepodge blog post to the Linky List at the end of Joyce's post and don’t forget to visit at least your neighbours on the list.
Have fun!

1.  Speaking of skating...when did you last 'skate on thin ice', 'skate over the details', 'encounter a cheapskate', or just plain skate? 
Well I haven’t skated on thin ice for a long time or skated.  The last time I can remember skating the kids were about 10, 12 and 14 I think so that’s 15 years ago!  I have met a few cheapskates in my time.  I’ve learnt to make sure when I’m out for a meal with any of those to set the ground rules for payment before we order as they’re usually the ones that don’t just want to split a bill and will start working out the exact cost of their own meal.  I don’t mind doing that but just create a separate bill for yourself.  Please!
2. What would you say is the biggest problem of people your age? 
We’re living longer but the services we will therefore have greater need for are being cut back.  Health and social care as we get older will be a big issue.

3. What's your favourite accessory? Is it something you wear every day, often, or only on special occasions? 
I like to accessorise with jewellery and scarves but often I’m wearing the same pair of fairly plain gold hoops and my cross and chain!

4. January 20th is National Cheese Lover's Day. Are you a lover of cheese? What's your favourite dish made with cheese? Last thing you ate that contained some kind of cheese? 
I do like cheese but don’t eat lots at a time as I get migraines.  We have several favourite pasta dishes which all have cheese but the last time I ate cheese was just plain with crackers at the weekend.

5. What's something guaranteed to make you roll your eyes?
Hard to think of something specific but in general people being rude or inconsiderate to others, especially if they’re trying to have a conversation on their mobile at the same time.
6. Your favourite book series? 

Oh another hard one!  Where do I start?
The Millennium Trilogy – Stieg Larsson
His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman
The Little Women series – Louisa M Alcott
Enid Blyton – several there as a child
Various other crime writers:  Tess Gerritsen, Kathy Reichs, Ian Rankin, James Patterson to name a few.
Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter

Can you tell I like reading?

7. Why did you choose your profession? 
Well I don’t feel I really had a profession until the last job I was doing.  I’d worked in various admin roles during my career but it was only in my final post that I actually studied and achieved a qualification as a School Business Manager.  I started at the school as it was convenient with the kids and originally joined as the receptionist on the front desk but gradually worked my way through the various office roles to my final position.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 
It’s a lovely winter’s day here – cold but bright and sunny.  I should get out for a walk.


  1. I enjoyed reading your answers today. I didn't realize you had worked at school, too.
    Yes, rude people will make my eyes roll, as well.
    Enjoy your walk, today. I need to do the same thing :)

    Kathy (from Reflections)

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers and yes, rude people on their phones...Blessings

  3. The phone thing is super annoying. I especially dislike when I'm a customer checking out and the clerk answers the phone and deals with the person calling before finishing up with me. It's so rude! It's cold here, but I did walk up to the gym this morning. Exercised inside as it was a little too chilly for a walk. It's sunny with maybe some snow on the way. We'll see. Enjoy your day!

  4. Oh, yeah, I don't understand rudeness or being inconsiderate either. Unfortunately it seems very every day these days. I always smile. It throws them off.

  5. Like your answers to questions 1 and 2. I hate it when people can't just split a bill. Don't know why I didn't think of that answer to number 2 as it is something that really bothers me too.

    I read your book list with much interest as I need to do more reading. That Phillip Pullman book is one that Pete recommended to me recently.

  6. Yes, little women!!! I love that series. Thanks for the memory.

  7. I started reading Kathy Reichs when she was on a morning tv show in Charlotte. (I lived just outside of Charlotte, so it was interesting to recognize some of the places she wrote about.) I hate that she changed the books after "Bones" came out.


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