
Friday, 19 February 2016

Fave Five on Friday 19/2/16

If you want to join in this is where to go Friday's Fave Five

It's a place to come on Friday's and think back over your week and just post about 5 favourite things from your week. It can be anything that tickled your fancy over the week. Favourite quotes, posts, happenings, scriptures, recipes, pictures, great internet finds, etc., etc.

1.  Cough linctus.  My cough is improving, slowly, but a linctus recommended by a friend has definitely helped.

2.  Books.  I've got through 2 this week while I'm still not 100%.  I'm also signed up now for two Facebook book clubs and loving the interaction.

3.  Dinner with friends.  Wasn't sure if I was going to make it but am so glad I did.  Was good to get out of the house and catch up with some long term friends.

4.  Sunshine.  We've had some this week and it definitely lifts my mood.

5. Roses.  For Valentine's Day.  Hubby and I don't usually make a big deal out of this but he surprised me with flowers this year.  Much appreciated.
Well I've been listening to my body that was clearly telling me it needed a rest but it does at last seem to be re-charging.  The bonus is that I've had more time for blogging.  The downside is that the frustration levels are also rising as I look at all I want to get done.   However I know that I'm blessed with a roof over my head, food on the table and people who care about me.  It could be so much worse and I should stop complaining.

 Have a good weekend.


  1. oh i hope you feel 100% better by the weekend!

    great list of faves...roses are always appreciated!

    yay for of my own fave things to do, summer and winter!

    happy weekend!!

  2. Glad to hear that you are starting to get back to normal. Hopefully after the weekend you can start a new week with more energy.

    We have had fair bit of sunshine too but it is very cold and I am not happy about that! Had torrential rain and sleet on Wednesday and I was less happy about that. I'm moaning aren't I? Must do less of that considering I have a really good life.

    Didn't even get a card for Valentine's Day. I shall excuse him though as he said on Monday that I could have the new Apple Net book I have been hankering after since I saw Saskia's one. He is a pretty good husband really........most of the time!

    Will try and ring you tonight. X

  3. Glad your cough medicine is working for you! I'm ready for a good spell of sunshine. I'm glad you got some. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. I am sure glad to hear you are feeling better now! Hopefully the weekend will find you even better so you can tackle next week and those projects that are causing you some frustration right now. Keep us posted!! Hugs!

  5. I love to read and love to go out to dinner with friends! (Just did tonight.) Hope you have another good week next week.

  6. I wished we had some sunshine ! It's dull and grey here !

  7. Hope you're back up to par soon! While I don't like being sick, I like that it affords more reading and down time. Glad you were able to get out for dinner with friends and enjoy some sunshine. I love roses!

  8. Wow -- you had me looking up "linctus" ;-) Hope you are 100% better soon and can get to the things that you need (besides fun things like your books!).

  9. Well I can sympathize with you. I've had 2 different flues in a week! Not fun! Hope you're completely recovered soon!

    Sunshine and roses! That would lift my spirits too!


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