
Sunday 3 April 2016

A quick Sunday catch up

Whew.  It's been a busy week.

We had a lovely Easter Sunday lunch with our daughter, youngest son and their partners.  On Monday hubby and I went into central London so that I could get some photos for my A-Z Challenge posts.  It was quite a nice afternoon although it did start raining just before we made it home.  (I'm writing about London stations this year for the A-Z challenge, including visiting the ones I'm featuring to get some photos.)

I had a couple of days of peace (hubby was at work) to get ahead with the A-Z but he was at home again Thursday and Friday so we've done a bit of walking and been rather lazy.

Today we walked to Wanstead Park, one of our local parks.  We covered about 5 miles in all so I'm pretty tired now.

This is where we were:

I know that doesn't sound a particularly busy time. But ...... keeping ahead of myself with the challenge and answering and making comments is keeping me BUSY!

I love all the interaction but I find the whole commenting business can get a bit daunting.  Also keeping track of replies can be difficult.  Especially when there are different blogging platforms being used.  I like the way you can just "like" a Wordpress post and some of its other features.  But having got myself established on blogger I'm not keen to switch.  Or to have my blog posting simultaneously on both as I know some people do.  Hard enough keeping track of comments on one site let alone two.  And how people cope with running more than one blog in this challenge beats me.

Anyway, I'm doing my best and hopefully none of my visitors have been neglected.  Apologies if you have been.

I've now got my comments set up so that I can reply to them on the post.  I'm doing some of that plus visiting the site of the person commenting if it's not someone I already follow.  And trying to keep up with the people I already follow.  And visit new blogs from the participants list.  And keep on top of all the e-mail notifications coming through.  I told you I was busy!

I've also gone back and edited my posts to include a google map of the station location (thanks to Linda Jo Martin for that suggestion).

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get out and take some more photos.  One of the reasons I chose this topic was to get myself out of the house and using the transport system.  I went through a period of time where I could not get on a train or bus without feeling extremely panicked but I've gradually got past that and I'm now pushing my comfort zone boundaries just a little bit further all the time.  

But actually I'm loving it so it's all good.

Hope you all had a great week and weekend.


  1. That was a great reason to chose your theme. I should have done that. I have become such a homebody since Richard's death! I don't really like going out and I need to force myself. A beautiful park you visited!!

    1. Thanks. Yes I've had to force myself a bit but I reckon the more I do it the easier it gets.

  2. Wonderful post Sandra and such awesome pictures which makes one glad to be alive.

  3. I'm enjoying your A-Z and look forward to the next installment. Good to catch up with your weekend news!


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