
Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge 6/4/16

Wednesday's Hodgepodge is brought to us courtesy of Joyce at 
Joyce provides the questions and we try to answer them. 
Pop over there to see other posts and if you want to join in add the link to your Hodgepodge blog post to the Linky List at the end of Joyce's post and don’t forget to visit at least your neighbours on the list.
Have fun!

If you're looking for today's A-Z post it's here

But on with the Hodgepodge:

1. What does retirement mean to you? Are you planning for it, not thinking about it, looking forward to it, or dreading it?
We’re approaching it gradually.  I stopped working last year.  Not to retire but to consider my options.  I haven’t gone back since.  Hubby has just reduced his working week to 3 days a week.  We’re looking forward to changing our lifestyles.  Time will tell if we’ve got the balance right.  Early days.
2. It's International Guitar you play? Does anyone in your family play? What's a song you especially like to hear played on the guitar or a favourite song featuring the guitar?
I don’t play but my hubby does and my youngest son can.  My hubby can play the guitar reasonably well but likes to think his singing is as good.  Enough said.  My favourite piece featuring the guitar is The Deer hunter theme. (Not a fan of the film though.)

3. What's your comfort food?
Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!  Actually I try and eat it in moderation or I’ll trigger a migraine.  Anything sweet will usually satisfy any cravings/make me feel better.
4. What's one activity or area of your life where you absolutely never procrastinate?
Regular readers will know I can be the Queen of procrastination at times.  But I am good in an emergency.  I usually cope quite well and can be decisive as in when to call an ambulance, direct people etc.  Partly I think that comes from having had to cope with various situations during my life and also having been responsible for Health & Safety when I was working.
5. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? Does your local store bag the groceries for you or is it a do-it-yourself kind of place? Do you like someone packing your groceries?
Hubby does quite a bit of the shopping.  I tend to do a regular online shop that gets delivered.  I’m torn there because in the UK they are trying to reduce the amount of plastic bags used so there is now a 5p charge for each bag.  On a delivery they charge a flat 40p, but you can have the delivery without bags.  Trouble is it then comes in crates that have to be decanted, which can be time consuming if it’s a big order.  As for packing, it depends.  If the person is sensible and doesn’t put my eggs under a pile of cans that’s fine but some people need lessons on how to pack! Lol
6. What's the coolest thing you've seen in nature? 
That’s a tough question.  But I’m going to go with seeing my babies just as they were born.  That’s pretty cool.
7. Share a favourite quote about home.
No place like it!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Spring is definitely here and we’ve been out and about.  I’m also doing the A-Z blog challenge so I’m keeping busy.  I guess I could have said I don’t procrastinate when it comes to blogging. 


  1. Having someone do your grocery shopping is now a thing at our local store. You do have to drive up to pick things up though. I see employees walking around with the carts and their lists more and more frequently! Hopefully they won't put the eggs on the bottom either!

  2. Seeing your baby just as it has been born certainly is cool! And emotional, and sweet, and ..... so many ways to describe it all wrapped up into those precious moments.

  3. Birth to me was also the coolest thing in nature. Having someone do my shopping sounds nice, but they better be careful when they select the fruit and vegetables. I stand at those counters carefully examining everything.

  4. I liked the home delivery in the UK, particularly when we'd been away for a while. It was so easy to schedule groceries in the house upon return. Good luck with finding balance in retirement...I think that's key.

  5. I'm with you all the way with chocolate being a comfort food. Bring it on! What you said about the miracle of birth is so true.

  6. Oh my, I just love what you said about seeing your babies. You are so right. That is so true.
    One of my babies has a birthday this week. He will be 16!
    xx oo

  7. I've never heard that song, but it's very pretty.
    I almost answered chocolate, too.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  8. Listening to the song right now. It is very nice!! I agree with you that seeing babies born is the most awesome! And I don't procrastinate with blogging either. I didn't even think of that. But then it's more fun that the other things I procrastinate aboutl!!

  9. Enjoyed listening to the song. Seeing my daughters' faces after birth, YEP the most beautiful sight ever.

  10. I've been home for a few years now and my husband should retire in a few years. I know we will miss his current salary!!!! That is some great guitar music from The Deer Hunter. I had C-sections and didn't see my babies born. I did get a chance to see a live birth from my bowling partner. She was very sweet to invite me.


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