
Friday, 27 May 2016

Friday Five News 27/5/16

It’s been a difficult week for various reasons but I thought it was time to get back to picking out some news stories that caught my eye.

The INTERNATIONAL story I’ve become aware of this week is the unrest in France.  I caught the news last night to see how the blockades were causing petrol shortages.  It struck a chord as my sister-in-law is leaving for France tomorrow for a holiday and was concerned about whether they would be able to get fuel to reach their destination.  It seems today that the situation is improving so hopefully she and her family will be able to travel ok.

The LOCAL news continues to be dominated by the European Union Referendum.  At the moment I am totally confused about what will be best and neither side is presenting a good enough case to convince me to vote one way or the other.  Part of me feels that we don’t want to be on the outside because then we have less influence in what happens in Europe, plus I think if we leave relations with France in particular will hit an all-time low.

In SPORT this story notes how the Zika virus could be a real threat to the Olympics.  A group of scientists have written to the World Health Organisation to suggest the games should be either relocated or postponed.  I can’t imagine it would be easy to relocate.  I’m sure there aren’t many venues that could host the games as such short notice.  Even London wouldn’t work as some of the venues have been adapted for long term use and wouldn’t be big enough now.  Postponing would presumably be difficult for many of the athletes who will have timed their preparations so that they reach peak fitness for the scheduled dates.  Hopefully the organisers will be able to provide reassurance that all that can be done to minimise the risk from the virus has been carried out.

Under ENTERTAINMENT  I spotted the sad story that Johnny Depp is not only set for an acrimonious divorce (no pre-nup agreement!) but now he’s alleged to have assaulted his estranged wife Amber Heard.  This is not going to be a pretty story.  I’ve always enjoyed watching Depp (what’s not to like?) but his recent video apology over the incident involving taking their dogs into Australia did him no favours.  Any suggestions for a new heart throb?

Finally under MISCELLANEOUS  I bring you this crazy idea from the Chinese.  A bus that can drive over cars stuck in traffic jams!  The prototype is only a model at present but they are planning to trial it later this year.  Glad I don’t live in China.  Might be time to give up the car!
All links are courtesy of the BBC website. Opinions are my own.
Have a great weekend.


  1. I really don't have any thoughts on France or the other stories...however, just my opinion on Ms. Heard---she always wanted to be a famous actress...perhaps her 5 min of fame is what she wants...maybe its not all that she said ---just saying...we watched a show where Johnny paid $90,000 to have her antique Mustang repaired and she had such a pouty mouth, Johnny and her dad were not very happy with her...just saying...smiles

    Have a beautiful weekend, friend.

  2. I saw a video of those buses that go over the cars...pretty amazing! Also heard about the Johnny Depp fiasco. What a shame.

  3. Oh.My. One of my sons leaves for a study abroad in France next week. I'm not sure if I want to know about anything that's going on or not! (firm believer that ignorance is bliss at times!)
    It's going to be interesting to see how the whole Johnny Depp thing unfolds. Seems there is some conflicting stories as to what really happened.


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