
Saturday, 7 May 2016

SoCS 7/5/16 - Apparently!
Getting back to normality after the A-Z challenge so I'm taking part in Linda's SoCS challenge again this week.

Click on the picture or the link to visit Linda's site and find out all the dos and don'ts, post your own link and/or visit others taking part.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “apparent/a parent.”  Use either one or both. You choose. Enjoy!

It’s apparent to me that some scientists must have too much time on their hands.  I was browsing around the BBC site this morning looking for some blog inspiration.  I went to their magazine article “10 things we didn’t know last week”.  It lists 10 things from the news of the week that are just what it says on the tin!

One of the items this week is that scientists have discovered that The Borrowers couldn’t function in the way Mary Norton created them.  They would be virtually blind, deaf and would be so cold they would need to wear very thick winter coats all the time.  All well and good but it would have made sliding between the floorboards a bit more difficult.

I loved the Borrowers.  I loved The Hobbit.  I loved Harry Potter.  Will scientists be investigating the antics of Harry and co to disprove their antics?  I jolly well hope not.  Surely they have better things to be doing like reversing climate change or preventing massive fires like those currently burning in Canada.

In other words hands off our imaginary worlds.  They help to keep us sane in this mixed up world we live in.

Oh and yes it’s also apparent to me that being a parent is hard, but one of the most rewarding things you can do in life.  I nearly gave up after the first but am so glad I didn’t.  Happy Mother’s Day to those celebrating this weekend.  (We celebrate in March in the UK.)


  1. I'm not familiar with The Borrowers, but I get the gist of your post after reading through it. I agree with you!! Good grief, leave our imaginations alone! Thanks for the Mother's Day greetings!!

  2. I agree with you and Terri--leave our imaginations alone! A Belated Mother's Day to you.

  3. Scientists. Sucking the joy out of things...!

  4. They must have been desperate for print the day that article appeared. Fiction and fantasy are fiction and fantasy, not supposed to be truly able to happen always. Happy Mother's Day! from the US which is tomorrow. :)

  5. Some people just have to ruin all the fun, don't they?

  6. I am lost for words. I would however like to know how that bit of research was funded?

  7. That's exactly what suspension of disbelief is for!! And yes, they have waaay too much time on their hands, by the sounds of it.


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