
Saturday 11 June 2016

Friday Fave Five 10/6/16

It's Friday Saturday so it's belatedly time to join in with Suzanne's Friday's Fave Five.  
It's a place to come on Fridays and think back over your week and just post about 5 favourite things from your week. It can be anything that tickled your fancy over the week. Favourite quotes, posts, happenings, scriptures, recipes, pictures, great internet finds, etc., etc.

If you want to take part or visit other Fave Five posts, click on the picture above to go to host Suzanne's site and check out the linky list.
Suzanne added a good introduction to the post this week reminding us that it's not about outdoing one another but being thankful and acknowledging the good things in our lives to help us cope when things get difficult.
Here are my five for this week: 

1.  Better health.  Have definitely started to feel more like myself this week and getting back into normal routines.

2.  A productive shopping trip.  I managed to get out to a retail park and shop for some accessories we need for the bathroom.  I also managed to get a lot of food shopping done as the fridge was looking rather empty plus I dropped off lots of recycling - clothes, bottles and batteries.  I hate the thought of what goes into landfill so I do try and recycle where possible and this particular retail park has a good recycling area.

3. Local theatre.  We have a theatre just a couple of miles from us and it has some really good plays/musicals on.  Hubby and I went on Wednesday and had a very nice evening.
4. Support for our niece and her family.  This is amazing.  We have people praying for her all over the world. Their workplaces are also being very supportive.  Events such as this (a major health issue) put things into perspective.
5.  Hubby.  I am so thankful that he is in my life.  We have been married for 32 years now - our anniversary was on Thursday and we celebrated with a meal out on Friday at a really nice French Bistro style restaurant in the city.  The food was delicious and the service was excellent and we can still find things to talk about! lol

So there are my five, enjoy the weekend.


  1. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I celebrated 32 years on June 2nd. He is the best thing that ever happened to me:) and we, too, are still finding things to talk about. Local theater is a blessing for sure. So much talent and usually affordable entertainment. I enjoyed your Saturday post, too. It looks like a fun exercise, I'm tempted to join in.

  2. Happy Belated Anniversary...have a beautiful weekend, Wendy.

  3. Happy anniversary! We just had our 31st last month. Poppy is still in my daily prayers! Thanks for keeping us posted about how she is doing. It always feels good to get grocery shopping done. It's not one of my favorite tasks, but I'm always happy when it's done and the cupboard and refrigerator are full again.

  4. We are married 47 years ! Approaching the 50th wedding day ! Sounds so strange to me that we are so long together, we belong to the rare species, most of the couples who married at the same time are divorced ! I think I suffer from spring lethargy ! Everything is too much :) !

  5. Happy Anniversary to you! Glad you are feeling better and more like yourself. Sounds like a good week overall for you. A nice meal out is always nice for celebrating. Hope your weekend is ending well.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you! So nice you were able to get out and celebrate. Our 33rd is this weekend coming up. It seems we are forever recycling. It fills up so fast!

  7. Ah, so glad you're feeling a bit better. Just in time for what sounded like a lovely celebration of your anniversary! Congrats!


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