
Thursday, 21 July 2016

A-Z Road Trip - Day 3 - 21/7/16

Post A-to-Z Road Trip 2016 

Today is day 3 of my A-Z Road trip, visiting those bloggers who also signed up.  You can check out the complete list here

I'm trying to visit at least 5 blogs on the list per week and post my thoughts here on my blog.  These are my thoughts and while I hope not to be less than constructively critical I definitely don't want to cause anyone offence.

I'm working through the even numbers first so today I'm continuing at:
#24. Temenos - Deborah Weber
Deborah is clearly a very spiritual person and her A-Z posts formed a manifesto based on her favourite unusual words.  Certainly an interesting theme and one that was completed.  Her reflections post also helpfully listed all the entries with links.  

#26 The Truck Travellor This title is quite self-explanatory.  Written by Zeljka a trucker's wife the A-Z posts are based around places they have visited in Eastern Europe.  She has also produced an ebook of the A-Z posts.   Worth a visit if you want to learn more about Eastern Europe.

#28 is Jingle Jangle Jungle - Mary's blog is all about music and her A-Z posts were about women in music.  If you like music and the facts and figures to go with that then take a visit.  She also takes part in Battle of the Bands.

#30 is Quantum Hermit and is another very musical blog and it also hosts  The Monday Music Medicine Show.  

Well I've only managed 4 blogs on this list today but it's very hot here in London at the moment so I'm finding it hard to get much done. But I'm still on track so I'm happy with that.  

Watch out for the next instalment.




  1. A fun idea, this 'road trip' and I enjoyed reading about the other bloggers!

  2. Very hot here in Kansas, USA too! I will check out these blogs. Sound very interesting.

  3. Ugh hot and humid here in western NY, Wendy...I think everyone is suffering...sigh. Regardless, have a beautiful weekend. smiles


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