
Wednesday 21 September 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge 21/9/16

Wednesday's Hodgepodge is brought to us courtesy of Joyce at 
Pop over there to see other posts and if you want to join in add the link to your Hodgepodge blog post to the Linky List at the end of Joyce's post and don’t forget to visit at least your neighbours on the list.
Have fun!

1. Thursday (September 22) is the first official day of autumn in this part of the will you /welcome the season? I know some of you have been celebrating way too early, but it's official now so permission granted. House Beautiful recently listed ten ways to make your home smell like fall (you can read the list here) What's a scent you love this time of year and how will you add it to your home?
Well my house is upside down at the moment due to plastering being done so the most thing you’re likely to smell in my house are cooking smells.  Hopefully they’ll be appetising.
2. Apple pie or pumpkin pie? Apple cake or pumpkin bread? Warm apple cider or a pumpkin spice latte?
Apples all the way although I’m not a cider lover.  Pumpkins are still a pretty new thing here in the UK and more likely to be used for Halloween lanterns than for food.
3. Do you suffer from what is sometimes referred to as an afternoon slump? What helps ward it off before it hits and/or tell us what helps you shake it off once it's here?
Not really.  I often get out for a walk in the afternoon, either to the library, the shops or just for walking.  If I do feel a bit tired I’ll have a cup of tea with something sweet and just take a break for a bit.
4. Ladies-how have your friendships with women inspired you or made you a better person? For the men here today- how have your friendships with men inspired you or made you a better person?
Some of my friends are incredibly positive people and that helps me when I’m not feeling so upbeat.
5. Are you a people pleaser? If you said yes, do you think that's a good or bad thing? If you said no, do you wish you were more of a people pleaser?
I think I am a people pleaser and it’s not always a good thing because sometimes keeping everyone else happy means you sacrifice your own needs.
6. The seasons are a-changin'...share a favorite song relating in some way to change (not necessarily seasonal change, it could be change of any kind).
Well nothing sprang to mind but I googled on YouTube and came up with this:
7. What do you wish would never change?
I’m not sure what makes a good answer to that.  If things didn’t change we wouldn’t experience new things. 
8.  Insert your own random thought here.
As usual another challenging Hodgepodge.  Thank you Joyce.  And thanks to all those who visit me and comment. I love the interaction. Apologies if I miss responding to anyone.


  1. We picked the same song! I had to read your answer about pumpkin twice! You folks across the pond really don't eat pumpkin? No pumpkin pie? It is all about pumpkin everything here right now. Starbucks even has pumpkin lattes. Not my favorite. I enjoyed your answers, Wendy! How is little Poppy doing? She is still on my daily prayer list.

    1. We do get pumpkins here and so recipes are catching on but it's not as big as in the US. Poppy is doing really well thank you. They hope to get the permanent feeding tube put in soon but because it requires a general anaesthetic they have to liaise with several doctors.

  2. I would have never thought that pumpkin(s) were not as popular everywhere as they are in the U.S.! Pumpkin pie is my favorite pie. I also like pumpkin bread.

    1. It's popularity is growing but I think it's an acquired taste.

  3. I picked the same song, but the version by the Byrds. Nice to meet you on HodgePodge.

    1. again, cause I haven't been hodgepodging for a comment sounds like I haven't met you before.....I must need a cup of tea. lol

    2. A cup of tea maybe with some sugar in it but definitely the chocolate chip cookie lol

  4. Plastering sounds like a huge project. Taking a walk mid afternoon would be a good idea. I just read your post entitled, 'A Letter To My Children.' Very good advice.

  5. Seems a lot of us like afternoon tea with something sweet :) Your afternoon walks sound lovely. I've heard that song before but didn't recognize it at first. Have a great week :)

    1. Well my tea is always sweet and yes something to go with it is a definite must lol

  6. You had a good answer concerning people pleasing, and I love your song choice. Wish I'd thought of that one.
    I hope the plastering will soon be done and your home will be normal again :)
    Kathy (Reflections)

    1. Plastering should be finished tomorrow but then we will have to let it all dry before the painting starts! I don't think my home will ever be normal lol

  7. When I moved to the UK (2003) it was difficult to find canned pumpkin, a staple here in the US once fall hits. We bought it from a company called Skyco that sold some American food items hard to find in England. I don't even love pumpkin pie, but felt compelled to make one then : ) I know it's more available now. Plastering-ugh! I hear you on the mess. I cannot wait to finish up the build and be rid of all the dust!!

  8. Hi Wendy, I came over from Marie's blog '62 and the 10 next pathways'. I saw you mentioned Forest Gate bing called a village. I was wondering if you live there. My grandparents lived there many many years ago and that is why I was interested. Love your answers to the hodgepodge.

  9. I completely forgot the hodgepot this week ! With this nice weather I was always underway and only blogged in the mornings ! If I don't go out I feel like a prisoner when it is so niced outside. Pumpkins are well known here and there are a lot of recepes. The are also used for decoration of course. Halloween is celebrated less, it's starts to push its way through since a few years but not really with a lot of success.


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