
Saturday, 22 October 2016

SoCS 22/10/16 - Holiday time!

This week's prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “ho.” Find a word with the two letters–“ho”–in that order, and use it in your post. Enjoy!

If you want to join the fun link your post  HERE at this week’s prompt page either by pingback or posting your link in the comments so others can find it and see your awesome Stream of Consciousness post. Anyone can join in!
Full rules are listed at the bottom of this post.
Thanks to Linda G. Hill for hosting.

It’s holiday time.  Well a school holiday anyway –it’s half term break here in the UK.  I used to live my life around school holidays, wanting them to come and then sad they were over and already looking forward to the next one.

I don’t have to do that anymore but having a teacher in the house (my daughter-in-law) I still know when it’s holiday time.  Her mood lifts for starters (although she’s usually quite an upbeat person anyway), we get offers of cooking, (we had a lovely big cooked breakfast this morning) and there’s usually a frantic clean up of their bedroom. (The dust has been flying today too.)

It’s sad in a way that we seem to wish our lives away especially as it’s not like she doesn’t enjoy her job.  I enjoyed mine too but we did seem to cram at least a week and a half into every week so by the time the holidays come around you feel exhausted and ready for the break. 

What’s really scary though is the next holiday will be the Christmas break.  I’m feeling more in control of that now I’m not working but it’s still coming around faster than I would like.  I’m not prepared enough yet to be in Ho Ho Ho mood.

Thanks for reading.  If you want join in  here are the rules:
1. Your post must be stream of consciousness writing, meaning no editing, (typos can be fixed) and minimal planning on what you’re going to write.
2. Your post can be as long or as short as you want it to be. One sentence – one thousand words. Fact, fiction, poetry – it doesn’t matter. Just let the words carry you along until you’re ready to stop.
3. There will be a prompt every week. I will post the prompt here on my blog on Friday, along with a reminder for you to join in. The prompt will be one random thing, but it will not be a subject. For instance, I will not say “Write about dogs”; the prompt will be more like, “Make your first sentence a question,” “Begin with the word ‘The’,” or simply a single word to get your started.
4. Ping back! It’s important, so that I and other people can come and read your post! For example, in your post you can write “This post is part of SoCS:” and then copy and paste the URL found in your address bar at the top of this post into yours.  Your link will show up in my comments for everyone to see. The most recent pingbacks will be found at the top. NOTE: Pingbacks only work from WordPress sites. If you’re self-hosted or are participating from another host, such as Blogger, please leave a link to your post in the comments below.
5. Read at least one other person’s blog who has linked back their post. Even better, read everyone’s! If you’re the first person to link back, you can check back later, or go to the previous week, by following my category, “Stream of Consciousness Saturday,” which you’ll find right below the “Like” button on my post.
6. Copy and paste the rules (if you’d like to) in your post. The more people who join in, the more new bloggers you’ll meet and the bigger your community will get!
7. As a suggestion, tag your post “SoCS” and/or “#SoCS” for more exposure and more views.
8. Have fun!


  1. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no talks of Christmas (grinning and giggling) ---my hubby is threatening to put the tree up. sigh.

    Hope you have a beautiful Saturday friend.

  2. I just love this time of year. I love the entire holiday season from the end of September through New Years. It's funny though, the actual holidays are not even close to my favorite parts.

  3. Time does seem to be moving faster and faster! I'm hoping being mindful will slow it down and hold on to some moments. Enjoy the sparkle!

  4. The Autumn term was always the longest and with the dark mornings and nights, it was the tern I found the hardest. Since retirement I no longer notice the dark mornings and the months are passing far too quickly.

  5. Here in the USA we still have our Thanksgiving holiday ahead of us, then comes Christmas. The stores, however, have had Christmas stuff on the shelves since the end of summer. It will be here faster than we're ready, though.

  6. The holidays come faster every year and the businesses get the decorations out so early. My husband and I make a joke of it about how early we see Halloween candy or Christmas decorations. It used to be that stores never started advertising for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I can't beleive Halloween is around the corner.

  7. I avoid to think about Christmas ! Each year it's getting worse. Nothing is as it was before when I was a child and when our son was a child. Now we still celebrate Christmas but the fact that it is sometimes in Amsterdam where they don't celebrate Christmas (I think that's the only country in Europe) and with the Dutch DIL I don't like Christmas anymore. In Amsterdam the decoration is very poor or non existent !!


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