
Saturday, 11 March 2017

Friday's Fave Five 10/3/17

It's Friday Saturday so it's past time to join Suzanne for Friday's Fave Five. Click here for full details.

Well I'm a day late but considering I missed last week completely that's an improvement.  I didn't blog much at all last week as I've had a bad back.  I managed to pull something somehow and could hardly move from Thursday to Sunday but it has gradually eased over the week so I'm digging hard to find some blessings for this week:
1)  My back has improved over the week.  It's not 100% OK yet but sooo much better than last weekend and there was also progress with my knee - had my first physio appointment on Monday and was reassured that although the kneecap tendon is inflamed the joint is ok.  I have exercises to do before next appointment but nothing load bearing.  No cycling, no jogging nothing that involves jumping.  I can live with that!  Walking is ok though. 

2)  Grateful not to have to work - the current issues would have made that difficult.
3)  Hubby made some progress in the room we're decorating.  I made a good start on it - got the ceiling done and the first coat of paint on the walls and then my  back went.  (Not from doing the decorating - I think I just stretched awkwardly during a coughing fit!)  It was frustrating not being able to get on with the decorating but hubby had all this week off and got the second coat on the walls.  Hopefully next week I can get the woodwork done.
4)  Coffee with friends.  One of our friends recently lost her husband.  He was diagnosed with cancer last autumn and underwent chemo but unfortunately it spread and he died 2 weeks ago.  Our regular get togethers have been a bit haphazard while he was ill but we managed to get together on Thursday just for coffee and cake.  It was good to get our friend out and just do something normal.
5)  The get together with friends also involved some walking on what was a really nice spring day.

Not a bad week really - I've had lots of time for reading and knitting.  Haven't felt much like blogging as it's all been a bit frustrating.  So many things I want to get done and my body says No! lol  
Have a good weekend all.


  1. I am so sorry to read about your friend and the loss of her husband, how sad...sending condolences.

    I hope you get to feeling better...the crud hit here, and I certainly understand about coughing and hurting the back...sigh...

  2. I'm sorry about your back! Not only the pain and discomfort but not being able to do things that need to be done. Hope it steadily improves. That's great you could get out with your friend, especially after the loss of her husband.

  3. I pulled a back muscle a few years ago while sure is not fun!! praying you have a speedy recovery.

    so sorry to hear about yout friend. I am betting she really enjoyed the coffee date with you.

    i hope you continue to have pleasant walks and time to decorate!

    happy weekend!

  4. I'm sad to learn of your friend's loss. Glad she has you as part of her support group! Also glad your back and knee are better! Take care and keep up the therapy!

  5. Reading and knitting sounds like the perfect remedy... been doing quite a bit of reading this past week myself. How is your baby blanket coming along?
    Back pain is so debilitating. I rolled an ankle on a wobbly footpath this week and that's been a powerful reminder that I'm nearly 60!
    Hope this week is better.

  6. Reading and knitting are two of my favorite things to do, too. I'm sorry for your friend--it's good you were able to meet up with her and enjoy the coffee time and walking. What a beautiful day to be out and about.

  7. I am so sorry for your friend's loss. Friends are a great blessing when life is so hard. Love the spring pictures. Hopefully soon I'll be posting some of those. :/ Hope your back is healed quickly. Don't overdo it once it starts to feel better!

  8. Back ache is awful I used to have that about 10 years ago until I started Yoga class (soft gymnastic, no meditation !!!) After a while the aches stopped and now since years I don't have anything anymore.
    We too have spring weather since two days, it's about time, everybody was depressed !


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