
Thursday, 21 September 2017

Babysitting fun!

Yesterday I babysat Nathan for the first time. (The Mummies were off to test drive a car.)

When I arrived just after nine o'clock he was just finishing his breakfast feed so he was full and happy when his Mummies left at around 10 am.  He stayed that way for a while - sitting in his bouncy chair watching Nanny tidy up the kitchen and listening to a child friendly channel on the radio.  Some very interesting modern versions of nursery rhymes!

When he started to get fed up with that I took him upstairs to change his nappy and get him dressed.  He was happy while doing that - I found a few ticklish spots.  I put him in his big cot while I washed my hands.  He doesn't sleep in there yet but it's a safe place to leave him and he was entertained by his musical mobile for a bit.

Once he'd listened to that he began to get a bit grumpy so I decided it was time to put him in his buggy and go for a walk to get him off to sleep.  I put him down in the buggy, slipped a dummy in his mouth and by the time I'd popped to the loo he was asleep!  No moaning or fighting it, just asleep.

It was about 11 by this time so I did another couple of chores not knowing how long he might stay asleep.  Well he stirred at about 11.30 and as I didn't think that was a long enough nap I took him straight out for a walk.  We only went around the block (it's a big block) but was asleep again in no time and was still asleep when his Mummies got back just after 1 pm!

I moaned to them about their pathways. On their street the pavement (sidewalk) is quite narrow so it's hard to push the buggy along and it's bumpy so the baby gets jolted a lot so much so that I almost contemplated walking in the road but I thought if they came back at the wrong time and saw me I'd get told off for doing that.  Their response to the state of the pavement was: "oh we often walk in the road"!  To be fair their road is a dead end and doesn't get much traffic. I'll know what to do next time!

My daughter was not impressed at how easily I had got him to sleep - he doesn't sleep that well for her usually.  Apparently he also slept during the afternoon but, as might have been expected, he didn't have the best of nights!

Routine?  What's that?


  1. How lovely to have your grandson on your own for the day. It's only then that you can really begin to bound with him when you are doing your own routine.

  2. Sounds like a great time for both of you!!

  3. It sounds like a great day for you and your sweet grandson.
    xx oo


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