
Friday 13 October 2017

Friday's Fave Five - 13/10/17

Fridays are a time to look back on the week and share our blessings.
If you want to join in or check out the other participants pop over to our host Suzanne's blog at Living to Tell the Story

Autumn is definitely here - we've even had to resort to putting the heating on a few times recently but the leaves are turning and soon I will be moaning about having to sweep them all up.  But for now I'm thankful for:

1)  My Friday Pilates class.  I'm enjoying the torture lol  although it's a "gentle" class so it's not supposed to be too difficult.  I'm still struggling to identify all my different muscles and get them to work but I come home feeling a sense of satisfaction.  It's an hour of "me" time that doesn't feel a guilty pleasure and it gets me up and out early with the rest of the day still ahead of me.

2)  Visas granted for Australia!  This is just an easy online application for a tourist visa but hubby has a couple few minor driving fines from years ago that he decided he needed to declare.  My application was processed almost immediately with a positive response.  His application disappeared into the ether and we waited.  Until the next day!  But all was fine.  Phew! (We've watched the TV shows on Australia's border controls.  They are fussy about who they let in!)

3)  A house with room.  Now that Son & DIL are progressing towards their own home they are starting to accept any offers of furniture from other family members.  I currently have an extra single bed in what is supposed to be my sewing room plus a chest of drawers in the lounge.  I've decided that all works on my house are now on hold until they move out and take all their stuff with them.  Seriously it's not a problem for us (yet) and I'm just so pleased for them that so far things are going well.

4)  Nathan time - I was there on Wednesday again this week.  He still seems to be showing the symptoms of teething but I think it might be a while before any teeth make an appearance.  I got to babysit him while my daughter went to get her hair cut.

5)  Ticking off the to do list!  I haven't made lots of progress this week but the things I have done had been causing me sleepless nights.  Like the visa applications, renewing our travel insurance and sorting out the medical cover and booking in hubby's CPAP machine with the airlines.  Little things but very necessary things.  Oh and our leaking fridge got replaced!  And I ordered Christmas cards.  Thinking about Christmas this early is unheard of for me but I need to be ahead of myself as we won't be back in the UK until mid December from our trip.  Now I'll just have to find time to write them lol.

Hope you enjoy your weekend.  We were at a family gathering for our Godson's 21st birthday last Saturday.  Very busy.  This weekend looks like being quieter.



  1. I ordered my Christmas cards early this year too so I can get them out right after our Thanksgiving. Lots of the folks on our card list don't have our new address. Like you, I just need to get them written and ready! Glad your visas came through quickly and I sure wish you a fun and safe trip!!

  2. I still send Christmas cards in the mail vs electronic mail
    love your list today!

  3. Precious baby!!!
    We too are in the stage of life where things are disappearing to newly-married children. :-)

    1. Hopefully they'll only take what's theirs lol

  4. It's still pretty warm here except in the early mornings. It's so good the visas went through ok! Your son and dil must be getting so excited about their home and setting up housekeeping. It's wonderful when friends and relatives have extra furniture to help out. Nice to get those lists ticked off. Nathan is such a cutie.

  5. Here in eastern New York we are still having some wonderful summer like weather although last night got really chilly...but we love autumn so will take these warm days and cool nights. there is NOTHING like autumn colors in the Great Northeast.

    Enjoy the week and your upcoming trip to Australia! that is exciting! it is on my bucket list although we have more in europe we wanna do. we need to be ome empty nesters first!
    your grandson is precious!!
    happy weekend!

  6. I am sure your list will be never ending with a big trip coming up. At least you have got some biggies off the list. What a sweetheart Nathan is.

  7. Christmas cards?[notlistening] Wow, you really are organized about this trip. I know you will enjoy your travels!

    It's great when the kids move out and TAKE STUFF with them. I'm glad your son and family will have a home of their own.

    Nathan is SO CUTE!

  8. How exciting to be planning such a trip! I can see why you want to be ahead of the game with the Christmas stuff. Nathan is a cutie!

  9. Nathan is so cute, Wendy. I'm excited to hear about your vacation. Smiles

  10. How exciting about your up coming adventure!! I hope you will blog all about it!
    Oh, Nathan, so sweet.
    Have a great week,

  11. It is so satisfying to get your to-do list smaller. And those are big things you are checking off the list.
    It will be great when your house is emptied and your son/DIL's home is filled. How thoughtful of you and your hubby to let your place be storage for a bit.
    Hurray for getting your visas for Australia. I've never been and would like to go sometime. And the weather will be a great change for you.
    Also hurray on being so persistent in going to your pilates class. That is a big deal.
    Have a good week.
    Susan from FruitfulWords


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