
Monday, 8 January 2018

#Jusjojan 8/1/18 - Pants

Your prompt for January 8th, 2018, brought to you by the many layered pensitivity, is “Pants.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit pensitivity at her blog, “pensitivity101” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link:

For all the rules and where to leave your link go here Linda's site

Well a Facebook post caught my eye earlier today which was about No Pants Day.  I hadn't heard of it but on investigation discovered that, according to Wikipedia, this started back in Austin in 2000 and seems to take place on the first Friday of May.  

For some reason this event was held yesterday on the London Tube but fortunately they kept to the translation of pants and only removed their trousers! 

(This article from the Guardian newspaper sheds some light on the date discrepancy and also has some pictures!)


  1. They do that in San Francisco too. It is funny to see all the people riding the BART train into the city with no pants on, just their underwear. I could never.


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