
Monday 19 March 2018

A - Z Challenge 2018 - Theme Reveal

This will be my 4th year of taking part in the A - Z Challenge.  More information on the challenge can be found here.

I find it helps to have a theme for my posts so this year, having been watching the Winter Olympics, I decided to use sports.  Which might sound strange as I'm not really a sporty person and I don't even watch a lot of sport. 

Of course there are well known sports, especially those that feature in the Olympics but some sports are just weird and I've found there are many that I've never even heard of.

I'll be aiming to give my impressions on some of them at least, waffling away as usual. 

It's a shame that waffling isn't a sport.  I'm sure I could win a gold medal at it!


  1. Look forward to finding out about some obscure Sports. Good luck with the challenge, Iain

  2. I'm looking forward to learning about the weird sports. I'm not athletic or into sports, but maybe there's one out there that I could possibly excel at :-)

  3. Nice theme. I will be watching for the unusual!

  4. Sport ?? That's really a fancy choice for you lol ! The only sport I like is swimming but then with my head stretched out not to get a drop of water in my face ! I never watch sport on TV not even the Olympics !

  5. WOW!! Wendy, I will be looking forward to learning about some very obscure sports in the month of April!!

  6. Nice choice, Wendy. I don't think I've seen someone do that one before. I've not signed up this year but might just play along with some random words as and when I feel like it. Good luck!


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