
Friday 4 May 2018

Friday's Fave Five 4/5/18

Friday is time to look back on the week and find five things to be grateful for.  Drop in to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for full details and other participants.

Here are mine:

1)  Completing the A-Z Challenge.  It was hard posting nearly every day in April.  I wasn't as prepared as I wanted to be and it meant I missed being here every week but it was so satisfying to finish it and I was helped along by lots of supportive comments.

2)  Having an empty nest.  Our son and his wife finally moved out and spent the first night at their own flat last Saturday.  Of course we will miss them but this is the order of things and their "year" with us to save became 2 years but we're just glad to have been able to help.  And much as we would have coped if they had still been here when the baby comes I'm glad we won't have to.

3)  A lovely baby shower for my 2 DILs.  Somehow we managed to cram 18 people into my lounge.  Thankfully a few family members were away or it would have got really cosy!  It's getting really exciting now.  Not many weeks to wait now to meet these babies.

4)  Our NHS.  I had something like a mole develop on my face recently.  But I was referred to dermatology by my GP, was seen quite quickly and advised that the best course of action was to remove it.  I only waited a few weeks and on Wednesday it was removed.  Hopefully it will be nothing sinister but I'm glad to have been seen and treated within a short space of time.

5)  Time with Nathan.  It's been quite hard adjusting to looking after him 2 days a week, especially with an hour's journey each way but he is such a joy to be around and I'm doing so much walking!  He's a very happy baby but he's not good at going to sleep but taking him out for a ride in his buggy usually does the trick.

Anyway these are things I'm thankful for this week, and the prospect of a warm sunny weekend to look forward to.  



  1. Oh he is a cutie pie! I have a grandson that is about an hour away and I wish I got to see him more often. How exciting to be getting so many new grandchildren.

  2. Nathan is adorable and how exciting that you have more grandbabies on the way :-)

  3. Nathan is a lucky little boy to have you in his life on a regular basis. We missed the growing up years with our grands because they were so far away. We didn't get to form a bond like you are doing with yours! Exciting times ahead for all of you!

  4. Wow Nathan has grown again and he sits ! I didn't know what a mole other other than the little animal, but then I found another explanation, good that you had removed it, can be dangerous. 18 people for a baby shower ... wow ! This tradition doesn't exist in Belgium not yet, but it will come I am sure. In Germany some people do it already.

  5. Ah, what a sweet little baby! And 2 new babies to enter your life very soon. You are one blessed lady, indeed! You know, I used to dread the empty nest, but I'm actually rather enjoying it. As you said, it is the order of things. We raised our kids to be independent from us, right? So it's good that they are--it means we did our jobs!


  6. Good for you for completing a challenge. It's good to stretch ourselves. It's sounds like little Nathan has Grandma trained to go for walks. Nothing like some nice fresh air to put a little one to sleep. He's adorable.

  7. what an adorable baby!! this yet another grandchild??

    How awesome that your son found their own apartment. YAY!!

    sounds like a special week.

  8. What a cutie your grandson is! And having the walks is good for you both :)
    Hurray for your son and dil getting their own place now. I admire families who share homes and help each other save for their own homes.
    Looking forward to hearing about the arrival of your two grandbabies!

  9. Congratulations on completing your A to Z challenge. You found some interesting obscure sports along the way. I know what you mean about looking after grandchildren. I am exhausted but thrilled to be a part of their lives.


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