
Monday 10 September 2018

No Fracture! 10/9/18

I'm free!  I no longer have to wear this monstrosity.

I had my follow up appointment at the fracture clinic today and new x-rays revealed NO FRACTURE!

What a relief.  Although the knee is still painful and I haven't been discharged - I have to go back in 6 weeks but in the meantime I can start moving about on the leg and bending the knee.  It felt quite strange walking without the support having had it for almost 3 weeks.  I'm hoping to resume looking after Nathan next week, at least on Tuesday when Nick will be able to go with me and do the lifting and carrying.  I don't think I'd be able to get Nathan up the stairs just yet.  Of course I don't have to take him upstairs to change him but I usually do, a) because the changing table, nappies etc are up there and b) it sometimes helps to have a change of scenery and toys, particularly if it's a rainy day and we haven't been able to get out.

I took a taxi to the hospital but managed to get home by bus.  There were only short walks to and from the bus stops and I took it slowly.  I might even try sleeping in my own bed with Nick tonight - I've been sleeping in the spare bed so that he wouldn't knock my leg during the night.  We'll see how we get on.

My poor Fitbit must have felt redundant these past few weeks.  I nearly left it off but decided to keep it on just to see how inactive I was.  Last week there were several days when I managed less than 1000 steps.  Hopefully I'll be able to see a gradual improvement now.

Thank you for all your good wishes and prayers.  Much appreciated.

Of course now I'll have to start working on my to do list again!


  1. Hooray!! So glad you got that thing off!! Take care now!!

  2. Congrats Wendy! I am so happy there was no fracture and you can begin the get around little by little~ Glad you were released from your leg brace prison!!!

  3. Good News! Take care and enjoy the Autumn season.
    xx oo


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