
Sunday, 2 September 2018

Sequacious - Ragtag Daily Prompt - 2/9/18

Apparently the definition of Sequacious is "inclined to follow" which is pretty apt today.  I was determined to post today but I wasn't full of inspiration so I began by visiting blogs that I follow.  One of these (Mrs Swiss) always used to compose a post based on the (now defunct) Wordpress prompt for the day.  I discovered, however, that a group of like minded bloggers have now set up their own daily prompt site: Ragtag Daily Prompt so I have been sequacious.

We are often sequacious in our lives.  Rules, fashions, protocols spring to mind just for starters.  Of course there are also leaders but sadly I don't count myself as one of those, nor would I want to be.  Look at poor Theresa May.  Who would want to be in her shoes right now?  Well ok maybe physically in some of the nice kitten heel numbers but certainly not in the dancing shoes put to such poor use this week.  I will not post a link for you sequacious people out there to follow for your amusement.  (Google will provide an answer for anyone who might have missed it!)

Then there are instructions.  I'm pretty good at those but again we often fall into two camps.  Those that follow the instructions and those that start to put together flat packs because they "know what they're doing" and then wonder why there are pieces left over at the end and the furniture looks wonky.

Image result for flat pack  diy disasters cartoon image

One of the things that I don't just blindly follow though are the numerous hoax posts you see, particularly on Facebook, where you're notified of a scam and encouraged to copy the info to all your contacts etc.  I usually try to see if there's any truth to them first and usually there isn't.

Well that's enough following for now, at least here in blogland.  I have plenty to follow on my TV box having been away for a week and I've decided that too much multitasking means I often lose the plot and have to rewind!


  1. Lots of interesting threads in your post this week.

  2. We’ve been home on holidays, and Australian politics is a right bunfight at the moment. Makes me embarrassed rather than inspiring national pride.
    Then I saw Theresa dancing on the news.
    Now THAT is embarrassing!
    Brexit boogie ?!?


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