
Monday, 22 October 2018

22nd October - 31 days - Help!

In an effort to get blogging on a regular basis it seems I need a challenge. I've opted to try and complete this one as it's only supposed to take 5 minutes each day. Of course it takes a bit longer than that to get the post presented how I want it but the content was done with a timer.

If you want to find out more, join in or just check out other participants click on the image above.

Today’s prompt is Help and here's my 5 minutes' worth:

Help. I need help to get through this challenge! Once again it’s late in the evening and I’m trying not to panic about getting a post completed in time.

Why I should get so worked up about it is a mystery. After all who will it affect if I don’t manage it? Only me and my need to not be defeated. I’m like that with puzzles. I love doing logic puzzles, jigsaw puzzles and so on and I hate it when I can’t finish one.

But I am useless at asking for help. Always have been. I think partly because, although I have 2 older brothers, I’ve always felt very much like an only child. There are big age gaps between us so we were never in the same school phase or moved in the same circles. We didn’t really overlap at all.

Growing up I think I was quite self-sufficient and as an adult I’ve faced a few difficulties over the years and mostly without help.

There have been time though when I’ve recognised that I need help and have asked for it.

But going back to this challenge, the stress is self-inflicted. I chose to take part and the competitive side of me won’t let me give up. I know that no one else can create my posts for me. No one else can manage my time so that I’m not always rushing against the clock. This one is on me. Thankfully I have time to get this post finished and live before I turn into a pumpkin or a raving lunatic.

Phew I'm still me and still carrying on. Are you good at asking for help?


  1. I can ask for help, but I'm older now! Once again, a good post Wendy!

  2. You see you made it ! You should have put a picture of you and a speech bubble with "HELP" written in it, just in a room with a locked door ! and the post was done. I have no troubles asking for help when it comes to household or manual things, because I hate to do it, so I pretend that I can't (that's between us !)

  3. No, I am terrible at asking for help. In fact I would be left holding a package much to heavy while my back gave out and still, I would not ask for help!

  4. Oh yes, I am terrible at asking for help as well. I can relate.

  5. Raving Pumpkin Lunatics definitely needs to be a band name.

    I'm awful at asking for help, but I'm working on it. I had a one month review at my new job, and one of the things my manager brought up is that I don't ask enough questions. It really stuck with me, and I'm trying to be better about asking, instead of spending an hour trying to figure something out.

    We're so close to the end of the challenge! I almost managed to talk myself into having a day off, yesterday. Come on, let's limp across the finish line together. You got this.


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