
Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Shh don't wake the baby!

I love looking after this little one but now he's walking he does keep me on my toes, all day!  Except when he's asleep.

He has a cold at the moment so he's not 100% but he was so good today.  He let me get him dressed, clean his teeth and give him his inhaler this morning and although I was wiping his nose all day long he never got ratty about any of it.

But he was tired!  He was struggling to stay awake during his lunch and I was able to lift him out of his highchair and lay him in his buggy and he was off!  No rocking, no singing he was out for the count - for 2 hours.  Time for Nanny to have her lunch and get a rest before he woke up and was on the go again.

Did I mention I love being a grandparent?


  1. Get Well Wishes to Baby!!
    I think you are a great grandparent at that :-) xx oo Carla

  2. Aw.... hope your little guy feels better tomorrow. Grandma's touch always has healing properties!!

  3. Poor little thing!!! Sick babies are the worst...I hope he feels better soon! Has to be comforting just to have you taking care of him!!!

  4. Hope he feels better soon. I'm so happy for you.

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