
Thursday, 10 January 2019

#Jusjojan - 10/1/19 - Sunrise

Just Jot It January is hosted by Linda H Gill - here's the link to her site where you will find all the rules and the place to leave your link to your own post if you decide to join in plus links to all the other participants.

The background to the challenge can be found here

Your prompt for JusJoJan 2019, January 10th is brought to you by Toortsie! Click here to find her last post and say hi while you’re there! Toortsie’s word for our prompt today is “sunrise.” Use it anywhere in your post or make it the theme of your post. Have fun!

Hmm, what's a sunrise?  Of course I'm joking because I know what a sunrise is and I have seen a few.  But I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON!

This probably sums me up before I've had my first cup of tea of the day.  (I used the pic as my avatar for a while.)  It takes me a while to get going so I'm not going to see many sunrises.

Actually this time of year would probably be the best time for me to see one as it's so late (around 8am at present)  but of course the weather doesn't often oblige.  It's very murky here this morning and frosty!  Also I don't have a view to the East that would work very well.  Then of course as the year goes on and the weather improves sunrise creeps more and more into what I would say is the middle of the night!  Before 5 am is definitely still night time.

I do have a view to the West for sunsets though.  And when we're away on our big family holiday we have a lovely view of the sunset.  I'm not a great photographer but this was from last August.

Today I was actually awake just before sunrise (8.03 am) because I'm babysitting Grandson Rory later and that's a good reason for getting up!  Who wouldn't want to see this face first thing?  (Apart from his Mummy and Daddy who've probably seen it too many times during the night lol.  He's teething and isn't sleeping very well.  The joys of parenthood.)


  1. Those pink cheeks in this picture - adorable!! Rory will be a heart breaker!

  2. Thank you for sharing. Nice photos. :)

  3. That picture of Rory is so cute. Bless his heart with those teeth coming in. I enjoyed your sunset 'talk' Wendy!

  4. How did you get this morning picture from me ??
    Sunrises I could see from my bed in Egypt, that was nice ! There we all had to change our life style, because the sun rose at 6 ! at 8.30 we were laying on our beachbeds. But at nine pm in our beds !

  5. That avatar looks like me in the morning.


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