
Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Wednesday Medley - 20/3/19

The Wednesday Medley is hosted by Terri over at Your Friend from Florida.
The questions usually start with the National Day and follow on from there. No rules and there is no obligation. Link up if you want to over at Terri's site and see who else is joining in the fun.



1.  The first spring flowers are usually daffodils, dandelions, lilies, tulips, iris. and lilacs. Which one of those choices is your favorite?  Have you seen any yet?
I think daffodils are my favourite.  They are so cheerful.  Of the above I've seen daffodils, tulips and iris in my garden.  Fortunately no dandelions yet and I don't have any lilies or lilacs.
2.  What is your least favorite thing about spring?
I don't like it when the clocks go forward and we lose an hour of sleep.
3.  Okay, what puts a spring in your step?
Seeing my grandchildren.
4.  What is your favorite springtime song?
Never really thought about that.
5.  What really says spring to you?
When all the flowers start blooming in the garden and the nights start getting lighter.
6.  Tell us something random about your week.
We often get lots of excuses from our rail operators as to why trains have been delayed.  Today I heard a new one.  I was travelling to my daughter's when the train came to a halt between stations.  The driver announced that there was a swan on the track ahead of the train.  We waited and he then announced that it didn't seem to want to move and he had contacted railway staff to organise getting someone to come and move the swan!  My heart sank as I thought that would probably take ages and I really didn't want to be stuck on that train.  Fortunately by edging the train forward the swan seemed to get the message and moved.  We were probably only stuck for about 10 minutes but it felt like longer.


  1. A swan on the tracks?!! We have a swan sanctuary with swans that descended from two that Queen Elizabeth gave to Lakeland right after WWII. They stop traffic on the street around the lake all the time! Thanks for joining the Medley, Wendy!!

  2. Oh y goodness about the swan! I am glad it decided to move. Loved your answers! Happy first day of Spring!

  3. Our adopted daughter is on her way to London right now. I love tulips in the spring

  4. A swan on the track.. oh my. We now have swans wintering in Wisconsin, they never use to do that, just spend the summers. They are amazing birds. I think they mate for life. xx oo


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