
Friday 19 April 2019

Friday's Fave Five - 19/4/19

It's Friday again and time to count our blessings for the week. This meme is hosted by Susanne over at Living to Tell the Story. Pop over there to find out more and see who's taking part.

Well I missed last week.  It's been a bit busy here and I'm also taking part in the A - Z Challenge. But I am incredibly blessed so making sure I take a breath and remember that this week.

Here are my top 5 for this week:

1)  A lovely visit from my son's in-laws from the USA.  They haven't seen Grandson Rory since Thanksgiving so it was lovely to see him interracting with them and the joy he gives them (and us).  They've also had a short break away with him and his parents to France & Belgium so I'm really glad they've had such quality time with him.  I can only imagine how hard it must be not to be able to visit all the time. 

2)  Being able to see so much of my Grandsons.  I'd like to see more of Noah but at least I can just jump in the car and on a train and be with him in a few hours if I need to, not have to make a several stage journey at great expense.

3)  Flowers in the garden!  The garden is really coming into bloom now and it's lovely to see.

4)  I've finished all my posts for the A-Z Challenge.  I'd planned to have them all prepared and scheduled to post by the time the challenge started but of course that didn't happen.  But they are all now ready to appear on the appropriate dates so one less self-inflicted pressure on myself.

5) A lovely evening celebrating hubby's birthday.  We went to an Argentinian style steak house and the food was delicious.  I know we're supposed to cut back on red meat but a birthday treat is ok, right?  And we had a lovely birthday dessert on the house!

Happy Easter weekend all.


  1. It sounds like a wonderful week. I think birthday treat are okay. I mean we have to have a little fun, right? Time with the grandchildren is the very best!

  2. Happy birthday to your hubby!! I like your list today and congratulate you for finishing the A-Z ahead of time. Looking forward to the rest!

  3. How nice that your son's inlaws were able to come out to visit their grandson and do a special trip with them. That must have made them so happy!

    Nice too that you can be so involved in your grandbabies lives without a lot of traveling hassles!

    My husband still occasionally eats red meat/beef. I don't consider it a treat at all!I consider it so bad for my health although I did switch to bison about 4 years ago and have that about once a month. Way less fat than chicken! For me, a birthday treat is a big huge Banana Chocolate Truffle crepe. YUMMY!!! Or a huge soft serve ice cream cone :)

    Happy belated birthday to your husband and Happy Easter!!

  4. A very Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby!! I hope you have a lovely Easter, my friend.

  5. What a wonderful week you have had! Yes, it is good to see the other grandparents able to spend time with their precious grandson. I don't live near my grandchildren, so I understand their joy.
    Happy Birthday to your husband.
    And Happy Easter to you both!

  6. So glad your son's in-law's had such a nice visit. I love the blooms this time of year - seems like something is new almost every time we go outside.

    Belated happy birthday to your husband! That dessert is cute! Yes, I think an occasional treat is just fine unless a doctor has said absolutely not. I always want steak on our anniversaries even though I don't eat it much any other time.


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