
Friday 3 May 2019

Friday's Fave Five 3/5/19

It's Friday again and time to count our blessings for the week. This meme is hosted by Susanne over at Living to Tell the Story. Pop over there to find out more and see who's taking part.

Well I only seem to be making it here fortnightly at the moment so a few good things to catch up on.

1) An overnight visit from one of hubby's sisters and her husband. They were travelling from France where they live to Belfast in Northern Ireland. They stayed with us overnight last week and we went out for dinner. It was nice just being the 4 of us to have a proper catch up. Often when we see them it's at a much bigger gathering so harder to have a quiet conversation.

2) I finished the A-Z blogging challenge! This involved posting every day in April (except Sundays) using the letters of the alphabet for prompts. I was a little bit more organised this year and had quite a few posts pre-scheduled before the start of the month and got the rest finished and scheduled during the month so I didn't feel like I was playing catch up as in previous years. This was the 10th year of the challenge and my 5th time of taking part.

3) A successful first day of looking after Rory now that both his parents are back at work. I'll be having him on Monday's until after the summer holidays and then I'll add on another day as hopefully by then Nathan will be at nursery. So I'm currently grandsitting 3 days a week but there are several Mondays that I won't be needed as we have 2 bank holidays this month, plus we're away one week and his Mummy will be home from the end of July through to the end of August so hopefully I'll survive.


Isn't he just too cute?!

4) Company for a few days:

I have my daughter's cat here. I miss having a cat but with regular visits from my son's greyhounds it would be impractical for us to have one of our own.

5) Lazy days. On my free days this week I've been quite lazy. Of course there have been the regular chores to do but I haven't tackled any additional jobs or been out and about. I decided that with 3 working days I needed the down time. I'm thankful that I can do that.

Also thankful for a long weekend thanks to the May Day bank holiday on Monday. No plans as yet although we're being promised cooler weather. Hope you all have a good weekend.


  1. Lazy days are just the best! I love you daughter's white cat! So pretty. Your grandsons are all adorable and my hat goes off to you for being able to keep up with little ones three days a week! Whew! I know you love it though!

  2. I realize that I was just at my limits to babysit a baby or toddler and certainly not anymore ! Fortunately Toby is 8 now. Still I am an old Grandma all my friends have their grandchildreen in the 20th !!
    You are real brave to help out. Here babies go to the crèche from 2 to 3 months old if there is nobody else available. My son was 4 months when he started, although my mother lived around the corner !

    1. My grandmother never did any babysitting or any of her 4 daughters.

  3. Oh how cute Rory is!! And how wonderful you get to babysit for him! That's a blessing girls didn't have either set of grandparents close by so visits had to be scheduled.

    Lazy days are much needed and appreciated sometimes, i might have one of those once I'm done teaching!! Wel....before summer school begins again ....we teach until June 21 then have two weeks off before going back for 6 weeks. I'm looking forward to some lazy days!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  4. That doesn't seem like a very long summer break.

  5. Nice that family popped by for an overnight and that you were able to get a nice visit in. I love lazy days off. They come way to few and far between for my liking. Your grandbabies are so adorable.

  6. I know what you mean about enjoying big family gatherings, but liking times with just one other couple, too. It's fun you were on the way in their travels and they could visit. Much as we love our grandchildren, we do need those days off between babysitting days!

  7. You are one busy grandma! Rory is just SO cute!
    It's a good thing though that you have those down days to recover.
    And to have quiet time with family is such a gift, too.
    Have a happy week!


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