
Sunday, 7 July 2019

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon!

Well I am definitely having a lazy day today.  I started to write the title thinking well it's almost afternoon only to notice it already was!

We were babysitting Nathan last night.  He was quite good for us considering he is being very clingy to his Mummies at the moment, especially my daughter.  I think he is picking up on the vibes re moving house.  It's a stressful time for them.  Added to that my daughter cannot pick him up and carry him as much at the moment because of her ankle injury so that isn't helping.

However he didn't cry too much when they left (for an anniversary party) and he let us bath him.  Then Grandpa read him some stories and then Nanny lay with him while he went to sleep.  That took quite a LONG time.  He doesn't put himself to sleep very quickly but we got there eventually.

He slept for several hours but then stirred and realised Mummy wasn't there.  He was happy to accept Nanny as a substitute but he slept very lightly after that and everytime I tried to ease myself away his hand would reach out or he'd lift his head and cry so I just gave in and stayed put until his Mummies came home.

Sooo it was a late night for us (early morning actually) so today is going to be very lazy.  Need to recharge the batteries ready for Rory tomorrow.  He is almost walking.  He can stand up from the floor now without holding on to anything so it won't be long before those first steps.  You might think I'll have my work cut out keeping up with him then but actually he can crawl REALLY FAST! Keeping up with him is already a challenge.

This was him standing up while we were away last weekend.  He was very pleased with himself before he fell over.

It's much cooler here today which is nice and it rained overnight so that saved me worrying about watering the garden.  I'm trying to keep the garden watered to keep it looking good, especially the new plants and window boxes but when overnight rain does the job for me I'm not complaining.

I've been trying to plan out the week ahead, particularly meals.  We're back to a Hello Fresh delivery this week so that takes care of a 3 dinners but I still have to think about today and one other meal during the week.  I've also got a supermarket shop being delivered tomorrow so I need to tweak that order a bit but I'm feeling very organised!  It probably won't last but it feels good right now.

Now I'm off to catch up on some TV!


  1. Of course Nathan can pick up on the "vibes", smiles...I saw in our paper that Europe is having a rare hot summer, smiles.

    1. It was quite hot here in the UK but not as bad as in mainland Europe and it's cooler now thankfully :)

  2. I think little ones are always so surprised when they stand up for the first time. It's as though they don't realize what they've done until everyone oohs and ahhs about it...

  3. Those little ones are growing up so fast! Rory is getting ready to walk already! And yes, Nathan can feel something going on. Do keep us posted and get some rest!!

  4. My grand daughter is now 17 months old. I remember when she first stood, and first walked and all those firsts and they are such wonderful events to witness! Now we can hardly keep her down. Enjoy it all.

  5. He's a cutie! I understand how these littles can exhaust you. Ours will be back next week and we're resting up : ) Hope you're enjoying your summer!

  6. I'm exhausted reading about your week. Enjoy your weekend off.


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