
Friday 15 November 2019

Friday's Fave Five - 15/11/19

It's Friday so it's time to share 5 things I'm grateful for this week. This meme is hosted by Susanne over at Living to Tell the Story. Pop over there for more details and to see who else is taking part.
I'm still using the autumn picture as our trees haven't completely shed their leaves yet but it has definitely been colder this week.  It's been a quiet week but here are my 5:

Fresh flowers in the house.  I do like to have flowers even if I buy them for myself.  

2)  2 good days with Rory.  He is generally easy to look after but it certainly helps if the weather is dry enough to get out which is was.  On Monday we took him to one of my sister-in-laws for a bit and he was on really good form.

3)  Noah is taking steps.  It's hard not to compare Noah and Rory as there is only 2 weeks between them and I know it's been hard waiting for these first steps when Rory has been walking for what seems like ages now but of course they all develop at different rates.

4)  A colour and hair cut.  Always sure to make me feel better.

5)  Time to sit and read.  A guilty pleasure which I indulged in today.

And a bonus one - I'm grateful for our national health service.  All my blood tests came back fine which was a relief but my blood pressure is still too high so my GP has added in another medication.  I'm glad I don't have to jump through insurance hoops to get this sorted and one bonus of turning 60 is that I don't have to pay for prescriptions any more.  

We have a fairly quiet weekend which I'm also thankful for.  Hope yours is a good one!


  1. Pretty flowers!
    Yay for toddlers walking!
    So sorry to hear,you have to take meds, i lowered my blood pressure by using natural methods: flaxseed oil with omega 3-6-9 and working out with more cardio and avoiding high sodium foods. It really helped! I'm going to be 60 in less than a month and my new doc didn't believe that i don't take any kind of meds until she looked through my records! Try it!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of times to read!

    1. Thanks Faith. I managed to keep off meds for a bit but eventually had to have them. I've been on them for a long time and it seems that the recipe needed a bit of tweaking to keep on track. We'll see.

  2. I love fresh flowers, too, especially in cold weather. I'm glad Noah is taking steps! When mine were little, someone told me they each work on different things--while one walks early, another is progressing in some other area. I can imagine what mischief the little cousins will get into together. :-)

    Getting my hair cut always makes me feel great, too. As does reading! I am glad your blood tests came back mostly ok. I don't have to take BP medicines, but I do for other things.

    1. Thanks Barbara. Yes the little ones do progress at different rates. I try not to compare.

  3. I sure enjoyed reading your five today! Noah will catch up fast. Glad your labs were good and that you are taking care of that BP! Pampering with hair cut & color is always good! Have a good weekend!

  4. Just read someplace that fresh flowers in the house can make you healthier! I love having a pretty bouquet on the table also.

  5. I like the idea of fresh flowers in the house, even if I buy them for myself, too. But lately, I’ve been putting that off because I say, “I need to clean up that space better before I deserve those flowers.” I’ve been on a decluttering spree and as you might guess things are a mess.
    Hooray on the haircut and color. That is Definitely a mood enhancer. definitely
    What are you reading? I am reading “The Rise of the Rocket Girls.” Since it is for book club that can count as “work” and not as a guilty pleasure, right?
    Not having to pay for prescriptions is a great bonus for turning 60. And hooray that you’re healthy. Hopefully the medication sorts out your high blood pressure soon.
    How lovely that you’ve been able to continue seeing Rory so much and that he’s so well behaved. It is hard to not compare our grandchildren, at least I think.
    Have a great day.

  6. Yes to flowers. :-)
    I took some time to read on Friday. I feel the same about reading as you. :-)
    Take care my friend,

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful week. I love fresh flowers. They really do bring a smile. Wow, not having to pay for meds after 60? That is a huge blessing! Though I am sorry that you did have to up yours but glad they are working and that you are healthy otherwise. Your sharing of your grandkids always makes me smile. I haven't any yet so I live vicariously through all you lovely grandmas out here.

  8. For the moment I have got so many flowers, that I ran out of vases ! Half a garden from my son, from the city, from friends ! It's completely normal that one child runs already around while the other is still cleaning the floor !
    Toby was the darling of my friends, today 9 years old, spoke 3 languages (has learned English, just like that by hearing) and there are exactly 10 cm missing and he has his mothers size. His shoe size are the same as mine ! He is a little charmeur and went around my friends serving them, helping them etc ! I really was surprised.

  9. Yes to flowers! They bring cheer to the home!
    Each child grows its own way. My hubby didn't walk until he was 16 mos! But he is 6'2", ran track and cross country. He was just too big to get himself up on his legs.
    Happy week to you!


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