
Tuesday, 25 February 2020

20 in 20 - Photo of the Week #8 - 23/2/20

Not a very exciting picture this week:

This is inside my cellar.  Actually it's a terrible picture but the story behind it is that at the back of that alcove on the floor is a box containing my Vax machine.  Until today that box had been in one of our bedrooms.  Fortunately it was tucked behind a screen but still it wasn't an ideal place considering we have people viewing our house.  First impressions count so I was determined to get that Vax box moved.  Of course it required shifting stuff around in the cellar but I was pleased to have got it done!

On a brighter note:

I have lots of daffodils in my house at the moment.  I'd like to say they were home grown but unfortunately not.  I have some in the garden but not enough to be able to cut and bring inside.  This house selling game is keeping me busy!


  1. The flowers look great! De-cluttering is the worst! You are doing great!


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