
Sunday 2 February 2020

JusJoJan 2020 - Reflections

The Just Jot it January challenge was hosted by Linda here.

This is the 7th year of the challenge although I was late to the party only doing my first attempt in 2017.  I find that towards the end of the year keeping to a blogging schedule rather goes out the window.  My stats certainly show that - I only managed 7 posts in December 2019.

So a new year often brings a new enthusiasm and determination with regard to blogging but having the Just Jot It prompts really helps me to focus and actually achieve an increase in activity.

I managed to blog most days, mostly following the prompts too but there were a few occasions where I doubled up on prompts because I'd missed a day or two.  It was a struggle at times - life does have a habit of getting in the way - but overall I'm pleased with how things went.  I even managed to suggest a prompt in time for it to be one that was used.  (Change)

Sometimes I didn't feel my posts warranted trying to draw in new visitors so I didn't leave a link on Linda's site.  I often felt I didn't visit other participants as much as I should.  There were a lot of people taking part.  It's time consuming.  But it's usually interesting so I was glad when I did find time to visit some great blogs.  I was also grateful that a lot of the participants use Wordpress as their platform so I could at least click the like button to record my visit if I was short on time and not able to leave comments.

It was also gratifying to get new visitors here leaving comments so thanks for that.

And of course a big thank you to Linda for keeping this going.


  1. Well done, Wendy! On to the A-Z!

  2. Glad to hear the prompts inspired you to blog! Thanks so much for joining in, Wendy! :D

  3. Well done Wendy. Life does get in the way at times but I'm sure everyone understands the demands of everyday life.

  4. It always helps me to have some prompts too. This year's were good ones. Congrats on finishing.

    Janet’s Smiles

  5. Congratulations, compared to me to achieved a lot ! I think I participated 3 times, the prompts were posted too late for me I don't want to write during the night, or the word didn't inspire me. I also have difficulties with the "Ping back thing" I never find the post where to comment. So I only comment on posts with a link. When you have time could you explain me that ping back thing ?


I love receiving comments and will do my best to acknowledge them, either by replying here or dropping in on your blog.

Thanks for stopping by.