
Saturday, 1 February 2020

SoCS - 1/2/20 - Choices

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “choices.” Base your post on the subject of making small, uneventful choices. Enjoy!

These prompts are brought to you by Linda G Hill.
Go here for links to other participants plus info on #SoCS
Hmm, uneventful choices.  Well I think we make those all day long except sometimes they can't be uneventful.  For example I could have chosen to stay in bed this morning but I chose to get up instead.  Now that's a small decision but it's certainly not uneventful.  Now I'm up there are things to be done!  Choices to be made.  Do I shower first or wait until after breakfast?  Do I prepare breakfast or wait and hope that Hubby will volunteer to take charge of that.
Lots of choices and some are impacted by the choices others make.  If Hubby chooses to have a lie in chances are I'll be making breakfast!  Which could be eventful, although probably not.

Too many decisions for this time of day.  (I'm hungry with all this talk of breakfast.  Not a good state to be in when making choices!)


  1. Morning is never a good time to be presented with too many choices.

  2. Sometimes fewer choices are better than too many!


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