
Wednesday, 25 March 2020

The Moving Saga Update #5 - 25/3/20

Well this will probably be the last update for a while.

On Saturday we viewed another 3 properties.  2 were no good but the final one we really liked.  It was definitely a downsize on where we are now but it was actually only about a 15 minute walk away so still in our local area.  We wouldn't have had to get to know a new neighbourhood and the maintenance tasks would have been greatly reduced.

After much debate we made our offer.  There was a lot of interest in the property so we had to make our best and final bid by 3 pm yesterday, giving details of our situation and ourselves.  Yikes we've never done that before!  Hubby and I were just about still talking to one another by the time it was done and I'd pressed send on the e-mail.  (Don't worry, we're fine really but it was all a bit stressful.)

But....we were unsucessful.  Understandably the vendor went for someone who was chain free.

And now we are in Lock Down!

No more going to view properties.

We have advised our estate agent.  We'll keep our eyes online to see if anything is added or if anything we liked and missed previously comes back on the market.  That does sometimes happen.  We'll express our interest if we see anything worth a view so that we can get things moving again as soon as the current restrictions are eased and it's safe to do so.

Hopefully our buyers will be prepared to wait but if we lose them and have to market our house again then that's what we'll do.

In the meantime all this time at home will give us time to continue sorting and whittling down all our stuff, well at least deciding what needs to go.  We won't be able to do much shifting of things while we're locked down but at least we can sort into keep, trash and pass on.  Hmm that might cause a few cross words between hubby and me too! lol


  1. That's too bad about being on lock down and trying to buy a property. I hope it all works out for you when this all goes away. (whenever that is)

  2. Oh geez, good luck with it all, Wendy. Moving is so stressful anyway and I can't imagine having to do it in this market. Sending good vibes your way!

  3. Ah, heck. I'm so sorry you lost the place you both really liked. And now you are on lock down. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. I'm just sure a better opportunity will present itself. Thanks for keeping us posted!!

    1. Like you Terri, I believe it "wasn't meant to be". Hopefully when this is all over we'll find somewhere else that might even be better.


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