
Friday, 10 April 2020

Fridays Fave Five - 10/4/20

We are on day 18 of Lock Down here in the UK due to Covid-19.  In these difficult times it's even more important to take a breath from time to time and be positive.  That's why this meme hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story is a lovely place to come and share our gratitude and positivity.  Check out the link above to find who else is taking part.
Here are mine:

1)  Happy in my own company.  Of course I have hubby here too but I think one of the reasons why I'm perhaps not finding lockdown as hard as some people is that I'm used to spending time at home on my own.  I don't find it as stifling as I know some do.

2)  Open space for our daily exercise.  We usually wait until early evening to do this as by then it's quieter and more peaceful.  Yesterday we were able to watch some ducks with their ducklings.  Great to see new life in these dark days.

Not a great pic - they were swimming away from us.  One of the ducklings was lagging behind investigating something and then when he realised he took off after the others at incredible speed.  It was funny to watch.

3)  Videos of the Grandsons.  The kids are pretty good at keeping us updated on how they are, we love being able to see them.  

4)  Jigsaws.  I've been doing a lot of this the past couple of weeks.  De-cluttering a puzzle at a time lol.

5)  Community spirit.  It's wonderful to see how enterprising some groups are being from making visors for the NHS to cooking and delivering food parcels for those in need.

At a time when many people would normally be gathering together to celebrate Easter it's great to see people pulling together in other ways.  I do feel guilty at times for not taking part but we're doing as we're told and staying safe at home.  And I'm knitting again.  Something I haven't done for a while.

I hope you're all safe and well.  Happy Easter.


  1. It's a good time to renew old hobbies. This is not so bad for those of us who enjoy being home and are content with being alone. Oddly enough, I've finding it to be a time of renewal in many ways.

  2. I’m on day 25 of lockdown. I, too, am luck enough to enjoy my own company but I do miss my family and friends. Keep safe and healthy and we will all make it to the other side of this.

  3. It can be fun to renew hobbies you haven't done in awhile. I"m playing on getting to some piano sonatas I havent' worked on in a couple of years. Of course I'm an educator so we are still working but it's so difficult not to see the children each day. I'm thinking of this time as not a lockdown (that is too symbolic of terrorist acts) but instead, of how God is having us Believers pause, rest, and PRAY. If we all pray together united in love and Truth, God will move!! This battle isn't over but we know God's got this!!
    Love your list of faves. HAPPY RESURRECTION WEEKEND!

  4. We are doing okay here too but do miss friends and our church. Easter blessings to you all!

  5. Hello from Idaho and stop in from Writers cramps. Isn't techie stuff cool so us Grand parents can see our grand children
    Coffee is on

  6. That lagging little duckling reminded me of one of my kids when they were little. :) So wonderful that technology allows us to still keep in touch and see our loved ones. I have not yet resorted to puzzles. They were never something I was drawn to. Happy Easter!

  7. I'm late visiting, and here it is almost Friday again. I am happy in my own company, too. In fact, I've been a little stressed at not enough time alone, since my husband and son are also here working. How fun to see the ducks. We've enjoyed videos and FaceTime with our grandson, too. I have a couple of jigsaw puzzle apps I do that have one free puzzle a day. You can set how many pieces it breaks into, and I like to set it where I can finish it in one sitting. :)


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