
Thursday 23 April 2020

T is for Transport (A-Z Challenge 2020)

In January of this year my hubby and I decided that it was time to move on to the next stage of our lives and move house.  I deliberated long and hard about whether it was a good move to take part in the A-Z Challenge this year (pun intended) given that we could be very busy, but decided on balance that having something to focus on might not be a bad idea.  Of course the decision on a theme was much easier to make – Moving House!  

Then Covid-19 put a stop to any ideas of moving so I’ve had to regroup and rethink my posts.  Which means I’m not as prepared as I’d liked to have been but here goes:

T is for Transport

I touched on this when I talked about proximity.  Transport links nearby are a must for us when finding a house.  We do drive but would prefer to do less of that.  Also as we plan to be in the new house for a long time we might get to the stage where we can't drive and then good local transport would be even more important.

Of course London is well served with public transport and now we are over 60 it's even better as we have our freedom passes.  Ideally it would be good to be walking distance from a tube but close to bus routes would probably be sufficient.

Hubby is still working part time so he needs to be able to get to his office but after this lockdown situation I'm sure there will be more working from home.

Although that also brings in T for troubleshooting.  Hubby gets very impatient when his IT doesn't work well or as fast as he'd like.   Of course at the moment with everyone at home I'm sure our internet is slower and it does cut out sometimes, not for long but it can be annoying if you're in the middle of something.

He's currently doing a task which requires a huge Excel spreadsheet file and saving that has proved problematic occasionally.  He's also had trouble with charging his work laptop.  There must be a loose connection somewhere because it doesn't always charge. The problem is with the charging unit.

I keep nagging him to try and contact his IT department and get a new one sent out.  He insists it won't be that easy.  It might not be but nothing's going to happen if he doesn't at least make a call or send an e-mail.  I'm fed up with being the unpaid help! 

What troubles you right now?


  1. Transportation is certainly important, especially in big cities! We have a pretty good public transportation system here, but I would have no idea where is stops to pick people up. We have never used it in the 30+ years we have lived here. Our car is essential. We have had one car since I retired and it took a bit to get used to having one instead of his & hers. When we lived in the metro Washington, DC area, we did use the subways, buses, and trains, so are familiar with getting around in crowds. Keep us posted!!

    1. I think a car is essential but hubby needs a bit more convincing

  2. Hi,
    I hope hubby got things worked out, that sounds frustrating, especially for the unpaid help. ;-)

    1. Well he did finally speak to someone about it so hopefully he will get a new charger sent out to him. Fingers crossed!


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