
Monday 4 May 2020

#WDIIA - Monday 4/5/20

It's Monday, I think.  Yes it is - my Fitbit tells me so.

Having completed the A-Z Challenge in April I'm determined to keep blogging regularly but some days that's easier than others.

Today has been a good day.  I got up determined to get moving earlier and set myself some goals - for the week in terms of steps etc and for today as in a To Do list.  I had a few bad days last week thanks to this ongoing Lockdown but I really have nothing to complain about compared to some people so I'm trying to be positive.

I managed to do most of the things on the list.  I got the boring chores bit done first - getting dressed everyday means that washing still has to be done!  Then I managed some exercise courtesy of the Wii.  My yoga moves are not very impressive but as least I tried.

I spent an hour sorting out some photos - we have loads just stashed together in a couple of boxes so I'm trying to sort them and put them into albums and then discard the rejects.  Then I want to get some of our digital ones printed.  It's lovely having them all in one place on the PC but when do we look at them?  Also I did a photobook of our youngest son's wedding and have never got around to doing the same for our other son and our daughter.  And of course now I can't claim to not have the time.

I just need the concentration.  Something that's been lacking during these strange times!

I also need to do a reflection post for the A-Z Challenge and I'm way behind in responding to comments.  Where does the day go?  I mean it's gone - it's now 21.48 here as I'm typing but I did also manage to finish an online shop that will come tomorrow.  

I also watched some TV and Hubby and I went our for our daily walk.

Our youngest son video called us too so that was nice.  Grandson Rory is funny on the phone.  He will say things but then he sometimes just stares at the phone as if he's trying to work out how Nanny and Grandpa can be inside the phone!  But it helps to see him and the others.

And now I should be thinking about bed.  I didn't sleep very well last night.  I had a coughing fit about 12.45 and lay awake for ages thinking dark thoughts as you can imagine.  But I was fine when I woke up.  No cough, no high temperature.  I'm fine!  And so I reported on the app that's tracking people's symptoms that I was fine.  My nephew's wife reported she had a sore throat one day last week and received a testing kit for Covid-19 through the post!  She is also fine.   I've saved them an unnecessary test.  Although as their count of daily tests carried out includes any that have been mailed out, rather than those that have been sent back, the Government would probably have preferred me to declare my coughing fit so they could up their number!

I do not want to be a statistic! 

#WDIIA - What day is it anyway? was started by Linda - the host of #SoCS and One Liner Wednesday. You can find her post here.



  1. None of us wants to be a statistic!! Is London opening up at all? We have retail and restaurants open at 25% capacity and there is more outside seating at some of the restaurants. We haven't gone out to eat or to shop yet but probably will venture out a bit this week before I am stuck at home with my knee through the end of May. Stay well!!

  2. Hi Wendy,
    Oh I understand the need for the lists and checking off as we continue with this lockdown. I had to get more strict with myself last week.
    Take care my friend,

  3. Congrats on finishing the challenge. I have thoughts too every time I cough. The challenge is the once-a-year blogging thing for me. I rarely blog otherwise, hah.

  4. I'm with you on the unimpressive Wii Fit yoga moves. I really should drag that thing out again and get some practice at it! Glad to hear you're fine. :)


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