
Monday, 15 June 2020

#WDIIA - Monday 15th June 2020

#WDIIA - it's the day we bought a house!  Well we've started the ball rolling.  We saw the house on Saturday, liked it, put an offer in earlier today and by the end of the day it had been accepted. 

Now the fun begins.  Lots of paperwork to be completed, surveyors and solicitors to instruct and removal men to find.

Oh and just the small task of packing up the belongings etc we've accumulated over the last 20+ years.

Whose idea was this?  Oh yeah, it was mine.  What was I thinking lol.

#WDIIA - What day is it anyway? was started by Linda - the host of #SoCS and One Liner Wednesday. You can find her posts here.


  1. Congrats! At least you have done all the prep work with your A to Z posts - LOL Should be smooth sailing.

    Janet’s Smiles

  2. WOW!!! I am so excited for you!! Please do tell us about it when you can! This is just wonderful news!

  3. Congratulations! Now, the work begins, but it will be so exciting. Good luck with it all!


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