
Wednesday, 12 August 2020

20 in 20 - Weekly Photo #31 - 2/8/20

Well this is well overdue but the photos were taken at the right time!

First a couple of photos taken during our daily walks:

The sky was particularly impressive that night.

And then my favourite of the week:

Look at that smily face!  We hadn't seen Grandson Noah since February and he was a little shy around us at first this weekend but he soon got over that.  He's such a little chatterbox now, although sometimes we needed Mummy or Daddy to translate lol.


 I still need to work on my selfies skills!



  1. I can't take selfies at all. Waving to Noah!!!

  2. Oh my goodness, Noah's face is SO joyful!! He is adorable... and that's a pretty big smile on your face too! You sky photos are beautiful. I might almost think they were from Florida!! :)

  3. Such a honey, that Noah! He's obviously thrilled to be with you:) Working on my selfie skills, too. haha


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