
Monday, 9 November 2020

Monday - again! 9/11/20

The weeks seem to be passing by far too quickly.  I hope it stays that way though as then our current lockdown won't seem so long.

I'm trying to get out for a walk each day or if it's too wet use my exercise bike.  I've managed everyday since the beginning of November apart from the day we were looking after Grandson Nathan.  However I usually get quite a bit of exercise while we're there - chasing after Nathan and doing a few chores which usually requires going up and down the stairs.  Their house is like our old house - it has lots of stairs!  Not surprising when I get home from there I just want to sink onto the sofa.

The weekend was quiet.  Hubby has discovered Netflix and spends a lot of time watching the TV.  In between the series he has found we did follow the election news from the USA.

Thanks to my American DIL I've got my head around the way the system works even though it does seem complicated.  It feels like this election is going to run and run though with all the legal challenges etc.  I hope it gets resolved quickly.  Clearly whatever the final result is it will only please half the people.  I also hope that despite all the differences people can start pulling together. 

It feels like it's the same as it was here after the BREXIT vote.  Our country was deeply divided but what's done is done.  We can't go back and undo the vote.  I might not like the decision but we have to make the best of it.  Another vote on it isn't going to happen.

At least Americans have another chance in 4 years time if they're not happy. 

But hey, enough politics, don't want to spark nasty comments.

Have a baby pic instead! (or 2 or 3 lol)


Can't wait for the 3rd little one to arrive.  Not long now!



  1. I guess most countries are in the same boat, not being able to please everyone. Now, it's time to get down to business. And to focus on the really important stuff, like those beautiful babies!

    (I haven't cut my hair yet;) lol )

    1. Yep focussing on the babies is definitely the best thing to do lol

  2. I alsso think weeks fly by like Formular 1 racing cars, it's Monday again ! They are so sweet your little grands ! Toby is playing golf with his Dad and another Dad with his son of the same age. It's the only outside sport which is allowed because they are 4 peoples and a lot of space ! Toby likes is but prefers his football. He told me that it is better then nothing ! For him the lockdown is not difficult, he has school and can play with his friends outside. Dario and DIL are working from home which they find less nice. Marieken is not a "stay at home" wife, just like me, I also would become crazy working from home. We were all happy that Toddler Trump has lost and now doesn't want to leave ! Whole Facebook is full of jokes and videos where he is represented as a toddler with a tantrum and other funny things. Biden is only a few month older than me his birthday is in March mine in July, most Americans were intelligent enough to vote for him but in the hope that Kamala Harris will soon replace him. In fact they voted for her and not for Grandpa ! She will make a good president I am sure ! I don't understand the Brexit anymore, it's a Brexit without being a Brexit if you follow the the discussions and all the exceptions which are made ! OK for me it's fine as long as they don't touch the youth and let them study and work in all European countries.

    1. Yes it's not so hard for the kids if they are going to school. I just find it strange in a country the size of America they end up choosing between 2 men in their 70s! As for Brexit, we don't hear too much about it at the moment due to corona virus but apparently negotiations are still taking place.

  3. Such sweet, precious faces. They do, indeed, quiet the noise of the political arena, don't they?!

  4. Thank you Wendy for sharing your sweet family.
    We had a lovely week of weather. It was so nice and unusual for November.
    Atticus came for a visit and we went for a lovely hike in the woods on Saturday.

  5. This lockdown doesn't feel as bad as the last one, mainly because the children are still in school. However, my 6 yr old granddaughter's best friend has got Covid and is very unwell. Fortunately they haven't seen one another this week. Your grandchildren look adorable and would brighten up any day.

  6. The babies are all adorable! Yes, our election process can be complicated and we still don't know who it will be until December 7th. It will be what it will be. It is nice that you have such a great place to get out and walk during the lockdown! Keep us posted about the arrival of the next little one!!

  7. Just catching this post now - after our election in the US. So glad that we will have new leadership in January. I kind of get the feeling that many of our allies feel the same way. :-)

    1. Not sure it's going to be a smooth transition.

  8. My family is split down the middle politically. My brother and I on one side (the correct one) and my mum and sister on the other side. That’s why we don’t talk politics and we love babies!

    1. Oh goodness, yes politics would definitely need to be banned at family gatherings lol


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