Well I'm late joining in this week but thanks to Susanne for keeping us reminded each week to look back and find things to be grateful for. Her site is here.
These are my 5 faves of the week:
1) Walks with Rory & Vinny - now that the weather has been better and Covid case numbers are dropping we decided it was ok to go for a walk outdoors with them. We hadn't seen them in person for ages so it was lovely to see them. On Saturday we went to their nearby park and Rory had a good runaround. On Wednesday I took Ella and my DIL over to walk with them. It was the first time the two babies (Ella & Vinny) had been together since they were born although Ella slept through it all.
The only downside was that Rory got really upset when it was time for us to leave.
His Mummy found a way to console him though:
2) Nathan started nursery
Thanks to Covid his Mummies had put off taking him into a nursery setting but now numbers are dropping they decided the benefits outweigh the risks and on Wednesday he went to a new nursery for the first time. He seems to like it but of course it is a big adjustment when he's been home with both Mummies for quite a long time now.
3) A walk down to the lake through the forest path. It was still quite muddy and I was glad of my wellies but it's the first time we've done that for a while as it's been so wet. We even saw some mandarin ducks for the first time.
4) Sunshine. The weather has definitely improved this week although it's still fairly chilly but the blue skies and sunshine have definitely lifted my mood.
5) Covid roadmap & vaccination booked. This week our PM outlined what they are calling the roadmap out of our current Covid lockdown situation. It's a cautious and gradual approach which, if all goes well, will see all restrictions lifted by the end of June. Numbers are falling in terms of new cases reported, people in hospital and deaths but they are still high. Hopefully this cautious approach will mean we can keep moving forward and won't have restrictions reimposed at some point. I think many people are fed up with being locked down and I'm not sure compliance would be high if another full lockdown was required in the future.
Fortunately the vaccination programme here continues to go well so that should help to keep deaths and hospitalisations down. I have my first vaccine booked for Monday. Hopefully this isn't another mistake and it will happen. Watch this space!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.