
Friday 30 April 2021

Friday's Fave Five - 30/4/21


Friday's Fave Five is hosted by Susanne over at Living to Tell the Story and it's where some of us come together on a Friday to share our blessings from the week.

Here are mine:


COVID-19 Vaccination Programme | Montgomery-House Surgery 

I had my second Covid vaccination today!  Hubby and I are both fully vaccinated now. Phew!

2)  I've finished the A-Z blogging challenge.  Despite having spent so much time in lockdown I was very badly prepared for this and there were several days when I only just got my daily post done in time but I managed to get the last few posts done in advance and scheduled for the right day.   For anyone who hasn't a clue what I'm talking about the challenge involves posting every day during April (except Sundays) working your way through the letters of the alphabet.

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge


3)  Hubby did his last day at work today - he is now fully retired.  He still has to send all his IT equipment back but hopefully the packaging etc he needs for that will arrive next week.  Leaving when everyone is working from home has clearly presented new challenges to employers.  Hubby had various things that were security issues and sorting out what to do with them caused all sorts of frustrations for him.  It was supposed to be his line manager's responsibility to check them in but he's based in Birmingham.  Also many of their offices (he was a civil servant) have moved to hot desking and moved away from paper usage so they have little or no storage.  Eventually a solution was found but only after lots of phone calls and emails being exchanged!

4)  Dry weather.  We did have some rain on Wednesday but we've had lots of dry weather over the last week or two and sunshine.  It's still been quite breezy so not that warm but it has meant I've been able to get out and walk most days.

I don't think I'll ever get bored of this view:

5)  Time with family.  We babysat Grandson Nathan last Saturday and we had Rory & Vinny and Mummy here on Wednesday.  We also had a good zoom chat with hubby's siblings yesterday.  I love family time.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. Congratulations on your husband's retirement! That is exciting news. I'm impressed that you blogged all through April (especially since I took a bit of a hiatus and barely touched the page). That is quite an accomplishment, you must feel really good about it. Congrats on your shots, too! It's good to catch up with you:)

    1. Thanks Karen, yes posting every day was a challenge and I'm not sure the momentum will keep going.

  2. Congratulations to your husband on his retirement, and to you on successfully completing the A to Z Challenge!

  3. Congrats to your hubby on his retirement! That must feel so good.

    WOW....a post a day!! I could not do that while working full time that's for sure. good for you!!

    Family time is awesome. and yay for being vaccinated!

    1. Thanks Faith. Yes I don't think I could do this challenge if I was working. I think the first time I took part was just after I'd left my job.

  4. Congratulations on your husband's retirement AND being fully Covid vaccinated! Glad that your weather has dried out and that you could spend time with your family. Have a good weekend.

  5. Family time is just the best and getting some of that time IN PERSON is even better! You did a great A-Z this year, Wendy. I enjoyed it! Congratulations! The view is gorgeous! Congrats on getting your second jab! Happy weekend! xo

  6. You're going to LOVE retirement! Our schedule is so much freer--mostly to spend time with family and to spontaneously say, let's go for a hike.
    We are definitely looking forward to the time we can hop in the car or RV and be gone for a few days, just exploring.

    1. I hope so! Looking forward to getting away later in the year. Things are still a bit restricted but hopefully it will be easier by the summer.

  7. I don't know if I have to congratulate your hubby or not, Ric had difficulties the first e year and it took me two years to reorganize my life ! Son was in London and I had to find some occupation.Bu then we enjoyed it. Ric is still in reha and I don't know for how long. His brain is getting back slowly slowly but he is quickly tired.

    1. Time will tell lol! Glad Ric is improving.

  8. Congrats to your husband on his retirement. I loved it the day I retired! The A to Z challenge sounds very much like a challenge! I do well to post every other week. Gave a great Sunday.

  9. It's nice to have the vaccinations done. Even though they don't give 100% protection, they help--and I think that's the only way this pandemic is going to slow down any is if people get vaccinated.

    I'm sorry for hubby's frustrations with wrapping up his job. Hopefully once that's done, he can relax and enjoy it. We have a few years yet before my husband retires, but he's already thinking of what he might do then. He always likes having a project to work on. He doesn't like not having anything to do for long. I have lots of ideas for him. :-D

    Yay for dry weather and family time. What a gorgeous view!

  10. I managed to finish the A-Z but two days late. It would seem I'd have been ahead of the game with all the time we've spent doing nothing, but maybe that's the problem. I'm more productive and efficient when I'm busy. Enjoy your week and congrats to your hubs!


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