
Friday, 7 January 2022

Friday's Fave Five & JusJoJan22 - Friday 7th January 2022

Well I'm combining two things here today - the Friday Fave Five, which is hosted by Susanne over at Living to Tell the Story - a link up for people to look back on the week and write about five things we are grateful for, plus the Just Jot it January challenge, hosted by Linda here which involves posting something every day in January, even if it's just a jot!

The Jot challenge has prompts each day and today's prompt is Tempest.  I wasn't sure how I'd work that in to something to be grateful for but here goes:

1)  I'm grateful for having had Grandson Nathan here today.  His school doesn't reopen until next Monday but as my daughter has been back at work this week my daughter-in-law has found having both children at home challenging.  Ella is at the stage of moving around now and of course she's interested in Nathan's toys.  He of course doesn't want Ella spoiling his games.  Typical siblings problem.  Anyway we offered to have Nathan here today - my daughter can work from here just as easily at her home and he was a delight, for most of the day.  Well who would have thought that a balloon could keep a child occupied for any length of time?  Put a smiley face on it, give it a name and keep playing with him and it turned out to be ages.  He did also watch TV (probably definitely more than at home) and we did a trip to the library letting him pick out some books to bring home and read.

Everything was fine until somehow it wasn't - not even sure what Grandpa or I did wrong but suddenly he was cross, really cross.  When Nathan gets very cross it can be likened to a Tempest!  Of course the trick is to see it coming and divert him before it happens or if that fails nip it in the bud as quickly as possible which fortunately we were able to do this afternoon.  Sometimes you just have to let the storm run out of steam. Anyway I'm thankful that we were able to avoid a major meltdown and I think he had a good day.

2)  I've blogged every day so far in January!  Of course doing the Jot challenge is helping with that but I'm here today and I did the Wednesday Hodgepodge on hmmmm actually Wednesday!  I also wrote about our local swans and did a book review.  So far so good.  Blogging  is something I wanted to get back into the habit of so this is a good start.

3)  My house is almost back to normal after the Christmas period.  We took all the decorations down on Tuesday and they're now put away.  I'm virtually caught up with all the extra laundry created from having guests and we're no longer eating left overs.  

4)  I'm grateful for a hubby that cooks.  This is a regular one on my list but this week I've had a rotten head cold so coping with the Grandkids and getting the house straight etc has left me feeling very tired by the end of the day so not having to worry about the evening meal is a big relief.

A new water bottle.  Another thing I'm trying to get in the habit of is drinking more water.  I thought I might have more of a chance at this if I had a new bottle for this purpose.  It holds 650 ml  so I'll be trying to drink one a day.  I've also managed 3 walks around the lake this week and a couple of shorter walks running errands so that's a positive start too.  Hopefully I can keep the momentum going.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. I like the way you worked your little tempest into the story:) Your daughter-in-law must have been so grateful. I remember those days, being outnumbered! Great job on the Jot challenge. I look forward to reading more.

    Happy New Year:)

  2. The Jot challenge is something I should do to get myself back to posting more often than once a week. Thank goodness for FFF which does help.
    Way to go on the exercise. Having a combo of frigid/snow and the nasty virus has kept me in most of the week.
    How well I know the meltdown foreshadowing. I'm not good with one grandkid...but I do try.
    My hubs loves to cook, too. I am spoiled.
    Happy New Year!

  3. The jot challenge sounds..interesting....but i teach full time and run a fitness group plus a book group so not sure if i would be able to be on my blog every single day. Now, if i was still a Stay at home mom I definitely could as my girls LOVED playing off by themselves :)

    My husband cooks sometimes......i usually enjoy it.....on Fridays though, we order out or go out because when you work all's just nice to have a RELAXING and LAZY friday night. :)

    Glad you could help out your daughter!! toddlers are a handful.....but so fun.

    yay for drinking more water. I drink TWO of those bottles a's so good for you!! Keep it up! and happy weekend.

  4. I haver a strange affinity for water bottles. I think I collect them without collecting them I have so many and I still always forget to drink water! HA! Thanks for the reminder! Happy weekend!

  5. More water and walking!! Good for you. My Christmas decorations are all put away but I need to dust, vacuum, and mop tomorrow (before my company comes!). Nice to see you here again!! xo

  6. I don't remember who started but when we were guests somewhere and came by car we took our bedlinen with us and our guests did the same even my parents brought their blankets and pillows, that avoids too much work for the host. Of course by train or plane that's impossible. I am also happy to have blogging, that keeps me busy and it's interesting to read the different posts. In my situation I am grateful when my mind can escape !

  7. Wishing you a beautiful day, Wendy. Thanks for the many smiles.

  8. Sounds like you are off to a great start this year with the walking and drinking water! Hope your cold goes away soon. That was so good Nathan's tantrum could be diverted. I am thankful, too, when someone else cooks.

  9. Hahaha you did a great job of working that word tempest into the FFF. I remember back in the day we used to blog 6-7 days a week and it was about community and finding connections with other people. I miss those days. I should make an effort like with this challenge you are doing.


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