
Wednesday 5 January 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge / JusJoJan22 - 5th January 2022

The Wednesday Hodgepodge is hosted by Joyce over at From this side of the pond.  Pop over there to find out more and see who else is taking part.

Joyce provides a list of questions for us to answer and share with others.

1. Share one happy moment/memory from the holiday season. 

All the family sitting down for Christmas dinner.

2. Let's be reasonable with our expectations going into this new year, k? What is one thing you'd like to accomplish/improve/complete/do in 2022? 

Stop living in fear of Covid.  I want to go out more and try to get some normality back into our lives.  (Tricky when we're currently going through a massive surge in the number of cases thanks to Omicron.)

3. Every January 1st (since 1976) Lake Superior University has published a list of words they'd like to see banished from the Queen's English. Words may be banished due to misuse, overuse or just general uselessness (go here to read more about how the words are chosen). Here are the words/phrases they'd like to see banished in 2022-

wait, what?-no worries-at the end of the day-that being said-asking for a friend-circle back-deep dive-a new normal-you're on mute-supply chain

Which of these words/phrases do you use regularly? Which of these words would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word/phrase not on the list you'd like to add? 

I'm definitely guilty of "no worries" and I bet we've all shouted "you're on mute" at our computer screens during this past couple of years.  I guess I would like to see banished those that don't actually work properly/make sense and a word that I think should be added to the list is "like".  It features in so many conversations these days and is soooo wrong most of the time.  And yes I'm guilty of it too.

4. Best thing you ate in the month of December? 

Christmas lunch with the family.  It wasn't that special in terms of food - it was the company we shared it with - see above.

5. January 5th is National Bird Day. Are you a bird lover? What's your favourite bird to see in the wild? Choose a phrase from the list that follows and tell us how it relates to your life like a bird, bird's eye view, early bird, bird-brained, free as a bird, a little bird told me, or kill two birds with one stone.

I do like watching birds in my garden and my favourite would be a robin.  We don't see any very often as we get lots of parakeets and magpies at the feeders.  I think I'm currently feeling bird brained after the run up to Christmas and having all the family here.  Remind me never to open a B & B.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Apart from regaining some normality one of the other things I want to do in 2022 is get back into blogging more regularly.  The second half of 2021 was particularly poor.  You'll be forgiven for thinking I'm new here - the last time I did a Hodgepodge post was back in February 2021.  Hopefully it won't be that long before I do another one.

I'm also taking part in the Just Jot it January challenge where the idea is to post something each day in January - even if it is only a Jot!  The prompts for that challenge are supplied by Linda here.  As it's a Wednesday it would usually be a one liner Wednesday post but I don't think I've ever limited myself to just one line so this post is doubling as my Jot today.

Confused?  It comes from me have a bird brain.


  1. I definitely am guilty of overusing like when speaking, but agree with you on it still! I love your extra thought, I'm going to have to check out the prompts- I'm working on writing more, not just on my blog but in general, so that could be a good place to start. Happy New Year!

  2. That little blog thing you mentioned seems like a good way to reintegrate blogging! I have been bad about it too.

  3. What a nice gathering at your Christmas table. Yes that is a good point, not living in fear of Covid. Yep, I say "no worries" too. The parakeets must be fun to see. I always have a hard time joining something that is a daily blog. Good luck with that.

  4. Happy New Year... I love your family gathering.

  5. I laughed out loud at your B & B comment! Whether it's family or friends staying in your home, it is a lot of extra work and stress. I am happy you are blogging more often again!! Always love my visits here! xo

  6. Yes ... the company we share it with makes the meal special.
    And yes, the "Like" is the most silly word that people use in the English vocabulary

  7. I checked out the just jot it. It seems like a good way to start blogging again, but I just don't know if I can commit! :)
    Happy New Year!

  8. That's very nice to have the family together, but a lot of work too in your case ! Mine was easy, we were 4 people !

  9. Great responses to WH, your family photo is precious! Like you I am going to try and blog more often, the last two years have been space writing.
    Happy New Year!

  10. I say "no worries." "Like" drives my husband crazy.

    Janet’s Smiles

  11. I enjoyed your answers. I have had to really stop watching the news. I don't think I"ve watched it since 2020. The just jot it January sounds fun.


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