
Thursday, 7 April 2022

A-Z challenge 2022 - F is for Friends

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

Welcome to the conversations in my head with my friend Alice, previously seen in my 2019 A-Z posts and loosely based on Alice in Wonderland.  At least that's the plan.

Are we friends again Alice?


Only maybe.  I thought things were going better

Well of course you’d think that just because you’ve been letting me speak recently.  But here’s the thing.  What’s going to happen when this A-Z thing is done?  Am I just going to be dumped back into the recesses of your brain never to be seen again?

No Alice.  That is not my plan.  I do know it was unfair to use you in the way I did and then ignore you so that’s not going to happen again.  I think you deserve a regular space on my blog.


Yes really.  I’m not sure how often that will be or the format but I’m thinking……

I could do lots of things!  I could certainly improve on your book reviews.  You never really give much away about the books you read, which of course I’ve read too.  You could make the reviews much more detailed

But you have to be careful not to give away the plot Alice.  People don’t like to know how a book is going to end before they’ve even read it.

Nonsense.  Didn’t you tell me that your Mother-in-law often skipped to the end of a book and if she didn’t like the ending she didn’t keep reading the book?

Well yes but that was only if she was struggling to enjoy the book and didn’t want to waste time finishing a book that she didn’t like when she could have been reading something better.  She’d reached an age where she didn’t want to waste time on things she wasn’t enjoying.

You should try that sometimes.  You should definitely read things that are less gory than some of the books you read.  I feel like I need to close my eyes and cover my ears sometimes.

I thought you just took yourself off to sleep if you didn’t want to be engaged with my thoughts.

You still have a lot to learn about me Wendy.  Right so book reviews.  Ooo I know what else I could do – we could reinstate that 10 things you didn’t know thing

The BBC don’t do that anymore….

Well I bet there are other things I could find on their site to do regular posts about for starters there’s the “3 things we like today” that I could comment on

Umm Alice….

Or I could always try and make the weather forecast more exciting…..

Alice the weather forecast isn’t supposed to be exciting, it’s supposed to be factual

Right yes that probably wouldn’t be a good one as you’re much better at fiction than fact.

Well considering my blog is mainly a journal sort of blog, recording my life I think I’m more factual than fiction.

Ummm aren’t we writing fiction for the whole month of April?

Well yes but…

No I think if we are going to be friends I need a guarantee that there will be a regular spot on your blog for me, at least weekly and the content will be left to me.

Sorry, I can’t guarantee that but I will think about what you could do.

I don’t think that’s being very friendly.

Alice I’m trying to be positive here and thinking ahead but I also need to these A-Z posts done first then I can give some proper time to working out how best to keep you involved with my blog.  And being involved doesn’t mean trying to take it over!


Alice?  Oh dear.  2 steps forward, one back and I feel like I might be back at square 1.  And I thought things were going well.


  1. Interesting discussion. Let me also try similar conversation some time. A to Z challenge makes you write. Write and interact with a big blogger community.
    Effectiveness, Efficiency and Excellence - Engineering Supervision

  2. Always fun to see where you take the new day's letter with Alice and her challenging attitude!! LOL


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