
Saturday, 16 April 2022

A-Z challenge 2022 - N is for Not me

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

Welcome to the conversations in my head with my friend Alice, previously seen in my 2019 A-Z posts and loosely based on Alice in Wonderland.  At least that's the plan.

Alice?  Alice?  Are you listening to me Alice?

Unfortunately I cannot avoid listening to you Wendy.

So you just pretend not to hear me when you don’t want to engage with me?

No, I just choose not to answer you.

You can be very rude at times Alice.

Well one could argue that as I’m a creation of your imagination Wendy it’s not me who is being rude but just you being less than creative.

I’m not sure I like the way this conversation is going Alice.

Well as your creation if you have a conversation with me that’s still all down to you, not me and, if there is no conversation going on then that’s down to you too.  After all I’m just your muse, not a secondary personality.

God forbid!

It’s not good to take the Lord’s name in vain Wendy, especially at this special time of year.

Umm since when did you get religious Alice?

Since I started listening to you.  Although you don’t actually talk about God that much but he definitely crops up in your thoughts.

I think discussions on religion and politics are probably best avoided Alice, especially with someone who doesn’t share your views.

I won’t argue with that.  Some of the extended family discussions that strayed onto politics have got quite heated, especially when everyone’s had a drink or two.

Fortunately there haven’t been any falling outs.  We’re wise enough to agree to differ.

Well you agreed to differ but I’m not sure you’re wise.

Thanks Alice.  It’s good to know you have such a high opinion of me.  And actually it isn’t usually me that gets involved in those sort of discussions.  The same as things like Facebook.  I steer clear of being too contentious.

Unlike hubby?  What was he called the other day?  Lefty do-gooder?

Yes well he is much less restrained in his comments at times.  But some people do put stupid things up and he just can’t resist having his say.

It’s rather late to be doing this post isn’t it Wendy?

Yes Alice but if I leave it until tomorrow, the day it has to be posted, it probably won’t happen.  Michel and Liz and the boys are coming tomorrow so there won’t be much free time for me.

Hmm I suppose I’ll get ignored for the day then.

Well the evening will be free Alice, they’ll want to get home to put the boys to bed on time.

I see you’ve been busy preparing food for tomorrow.  That chocolate mousse looks rather yummy.

Well hopefully it will taste as good. 

And what’s the dinner going to be?

Chicken cobbler.

Chicken what?

Chicken cobbler – essentially a chicken casserole with a pastry topping.

Why on earth do they call it a cobbler?  Aren’t cobblers people who mend shoes?

Well yes a cobbler is someone who mends shoes but a food dish that has shaped pieces of biscuit or pastry on top is also called a cobbler.  It’s more usual to have a fruit dish rather than savoury but I wanted something I could put in the slow cooker and not have to worry too much about during the day when the kids are here.

I wonder who thinks up all these crazy words.

Not me Alice, not me!


  1. I never heard or ate chicken cobbler. I am sure it's tasty! Happy Easter and happy weekend...

    Dropping by from a to z

  2. That chicken cobbler sounds yummy. Would an equivalent of it be a chicken pot pie? Happy Easter!


  3. I've never heard of chicken cobbler but it does sound delicious! If Alice will allow you to share the recipe without her sarcastic comments, please tell us how to make it!! xo

  4. Rolling LOLOLOL---BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks Wendy....and Alice. smiles

  5. Your husband and mine may be related Wendy ;) Do you add the pastry at the end after the casserole has been in the slow cooker? I’ll have some mousse please. Hope the visit went well.

    Visiting from A2Z

    1. Yes the pastry is added at the end but I think mine got too wet.

  6. Alice has so much personality! What a fun character. Even if she says, 'After all I’m just your muse, not a secondary personality.' hahahahaha

  7. Even i knew only the cobbler who mends shoes ... there is a nursery rhyme too if i remember correctly

    Dropping in from A to Z
    Jayashree writes

    1. I can't remember a nursery rhyme but wouldn't surprise me if there was one. thanks for your visit.


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