
Thursday 5 May 2022

A-Z 2022 Reflections post

Reflections 2022 #atozchallenge

Alice, I need your help.

And why would that be Wendy?

Because I've got to do a Reflection post for the A-Z challenge and it would be good to have your input.

Oooh goody!  It's about time you did a new post.  Your readers must be thinking you'd fallen down a black hole and taken me with you.

No such luck Alice.

Anyway the A-Z team have given some pointers on things to include so I suggest we just work our way through them together.

Hmm that sounds boring and a bit like hard work Wendy.

Don't be rude Alice.  The A-Z team put a lot of hard work and effort into making the challenge a success and they are to be appreciated. Anyway this is the list:

  • Give consideration to how the A to Z Challenge impacted your blog.
  • View your stats to see how the last 30 days changed your blog view numbers.
  • Make an observation about how many comments you got on your April posts.
  • Contemplate what you learned from making posts during the Challenge.
  • What gave you the idea for your Challenge Theme, if you used one?
  • Did any blogs you visited in the Challenge make a lasting impression on you?
  • Perhaps meditate on how to express your thoughts about the Challenge this year.
  • Give an opinion on any of the three #AZchat events from this year.
  • What impact did the Challenge have on your social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)?
  • Rumination about the A to Z Challenge can help the team improve!
  • This year included a deliberation to find another graphic person after the loss of Jeremy. Muse about the imagination and talent of Anjela.
  • What is your impression of the A to Z Team?
  • After much cogitation, let your pensiveness reflect in your post.
  • Did any dreams or goals you set come to fruition during this April Challenge?
  • Please tell everyone if you picked up any sweet merchandise this year.
  • Hmm well some of that is easy Wendy although there won’t be any meditating going on here.  And the challenge had no impact on your social media as you don’t do Twitter and you keep your blog completely separate form Facebook and Instagram.

    As for chats?  Do you mean to tell me now, when it’s far too late that we could have been chatting with other people about the challenge during the challenge?

    Well yes Alice but I felt that was a bit beyond me and I’m not sure if the timing was right.

    You just didn’t want to let me have a voice did you?

    Well that might have been a bit tricky Alice as only I can hear you.

    Ok.  Point taken.  Now what about your stats whatever they are?

    Short for statistics Alice.  The blogging platform provides details on things like page views, comments etc and mine were definitely up for April but as I really only blog for my own satisfaction I never really take any notice of them.

    Right.  Moving on.  I think the new graphics person did a good job.  Hard stepping into someone else’s shoes.  Actually Wendy you’re right.  The whole team do a great job.  But how do they find the time?  You’re retired and have lots of time but still struggled to get the posts done on time once you caught up with yourself.

    Well taking a holiday during the first week of the challenge wasn’t ideal and yes I was winging it most days after that.  And once again I haven’t managed to visit as many other blogs as I feel I should have.  I did manage to visit people who’d left me comments and I have started working my way through the sign up list.  There just never seem to be enough hours in the day.

    Gaining more grandchildren hasn’t helped Wendy but at least you had me to provide your theme and give suggestions, even if I was just resurrected from 2019.

    Yes but now I’ve resurrected you I don’t think you’re going back into the recesses of my mind anytime soon Alice. 

    Oh no Wendy.  I’m here to stay which I know will please many of your readers.

    So there you have it.  A reflections post done in the style of my A-Z posts.  This is my 8th completed challenge, once again by the skin of my teeth on quite a few days.  Forward planning is still not my strong point.  However, enthusiasm for blogging has revived and satisfaction gained from doing more than just waffle or doing regular memes.

    Thank you to everyone, old and new, for your visits to my blog and the lovely comments.  Apologies if I haven’t made it back to your blog yet, I’m working on it.

    As for Alice…..well you definitely haven’t heard the last from her.

    Links to all my A-Z posts can be found here.


    1. Another A-Z well done, Wendy!! xo

    2. Cute A/Z reflection post! I haven't done one in the years I've done the challenge! Congrats on this one being the 8th you finished! I think I might have done 5 or so?? I'll be checking in to see what you are up to in the days ahead and when Alice pops in again :)


    3. LOL, I am yet to read your posts, this is my blog hopping month! Nice to meet you Alice and Wendy and that was a witty, sarcastic conversation I enjoyed, hopping on to your posts now!

      Deepa from FictionPies

    4. My stories were pre-written but some had to be seriously edited due to size. It seems no matter what there is work involved (more than 30 minutes).

    5. Congrats on a great job!

    6. Congratulations on completing the A to Z Challenge! It sounds like you (and Alice) had some fun with it.

    7. I liked your posts very much this year. Congratulaions on finishing the challenge!

    8. Excellent and well done this year. I enjoyed your interaction with Alice all April (even when I didn't reply).
      Congrats on completing the challenge!
      Tim Brannan
      The Other Side | The A to Z of Conspiracy Theories

    9. Congrats on finishing the challenge! Alice is an interesting gal...

      Ronel visiting for A-Z Challenge Reflections 2022

    10. Wow! That was interesting. I feel a bit lost, probably because I didn't make it to your blog during A to Z. I assume Alice is an alter-ego that was a part of the theme. After I get through this reflections list (to make up for not blog-hopping much during the challenge), I'll have to come back and check out your April!

    11. Now I'm sorry I never made it to your blog during the A-Z challenge. I am happy to hear tha Alice is hanging around. And happy too to find someone else who leaves their stats to fend for themselves :) I'll be back, hopefully.


    I love receiving comments and will do my best to acknowledge them, either by replying here or dropping in on your blog.

    Thanks for stopping by.