
Friday 18 November 2022

Friday's Fave Five - 18/11/22

Well once again I've missed a week here so today I was determined to join up with Susanne and others and think about things I'm grateful for during the last week (or two!).  You can find out more over at Living to Tell the Story.

1)  Time away with extended family.  Regular readers may remember me going to Kos in 2019 with 3 of my cousins.  Last week the four of us got together again, but this time with our husbands too and we spent 4 nights in Tenbury Wells which is near Worcester.  We rented a house and had a great time exploring the area and then relaxing back at the house each night, playing games, drinking wine and generally having a good time.

Enjoying our evening meal

L-R Pat, Me, Julie and Jill
Martin (Pat's H) Simon (Jill's H) Nick (my Hubby) and Pete (Julie's H)
Oh and Beanie - Jill and Simon's dog!

Standing on the bridge over the river Teme (the second fastest flowing river in England) which divides Worcestershire from Shropshire .  Pete Nick and I were in Shropshire, Jill, Pat and Martin were in Worcestershire.
We were lucky enough to get an impromptu tour around the pump rooms by one of the council workers located there.
2)  Last Saturday I got my 4th Covid jab.  I felt a bit rough later in the day and my arm was quite sore for a couple of days but glad to be further protected while Covid is still out there.

3)  Granddaughter Ella turned 2!  (Yesterday.)  We collected Nathan from school and then joined Ella and her Mummies for birthday cake.  I didn't get any decent photos with the cake but she's having a party on Saturday so hopefully I'll get some better ones then.

Although she was a bit bemused by it all lol.

4)  Back to the knitting group - we met up on Wednesday evening and it was nice to have some adult conversation after having Grandson Vinny all day.

This is my current WIP
A nice easy pattern that is knitted on 10 stitches.  I started it ages ago but hadn't done much but did quite a bit on Wednesday evening and more since.  

5)  Hubby has recovered well after his minor op and he's now had eye tests and hearing tests done this week.  He needs new hearing aids so hopefully that will improve his hearing. I might have to be careful what I say in future.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. It's so nice catching up with you. I missed last week's FFF as well. Happy Birthday to little Ella. I remember when she -- along with your other two of the 'second threesome' -- were born. It's hard to believe they are toddlers now.

    Your trip sounds fabulous! It looks like you all have a lot of fun together.

  2. Your knit project looks lovely. My daughter can knit like that. My mother was an expert knitter. However, the knitting gene seemed to totally pass over me so I crochet instead! How lovely to be with extended family like that! Such a blessing! Happy Birthday to Ella! My great grand Ava just turned two last week! Have a blessed weekend.

    1. I like to crochet too but find it easier to knit in front of the TV :)

  3. How nice to meet with family in such a nice area ! Your grandchildren are all growing !! That goes so quick. When I walk besides Toby I think he is a young man, but then he still has his children voice and no beard either ! I think that will come soon ! I still have a brand new hearing aid her, which was quite expensive, with a charger and no batteries, because they are so small that with his thick fingers it was difficult to handle them. I have such a lot of things to sell or at least unpack, I think I will do it after Christmas or maybe before, I don't know, but now I feel ready. Today it's awful rain, cold grey a weather to stay home. Just have to go two floors lower to a neighbor for a coffee !

    1. Good that you have friends to visit without going out in the cold and wet. Very wet and cold here today - no venturing out for me lol

  4. Happy birthday to Ella! So glad you had time away with family. Some of mine were just here in September, and we had so much fun. I kind of forget how much I miss them until we see each other again. Your knitting looks nice. Glad your husband is doing well!

  5. You've had a busy week. I don't know that part of the country but it looks interesting. Always enjoyable getting together with family or friends. Ella is growing up fast. They will all be teenagers before long.

    1. Teenagers! Nooooo - 3 terrible twos is enough for now lol

  6. That looks like a fun knitting pattern--just ten stitches around and around.
    Your visit with cousins sounds great. I'm glad for you that you have cousins living nearby enough to spend time with them and that you enjoy each other's company.
    Wow! Ella is TWO. Happy Birthday to her!

    1. Thanks yes the knitting pattern is easy once you get the hang of it.

  7. How fun to spend that time with family! Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. What a cutie! Fun to have a group to knit with. I got my 4th vaccination too. All went well except for the sore arm for a couple of days.

  8. Hi Wendy,
    Happy Birthday to Ella. She is so cute. She made me smile.
    Thank you for sharing your trip with us. It looks and sounds like it was a happy memory making time.


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