
Wednesday 8 March 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - 8/3/23

The Hodgepodge is hosted by Joyce here.  Hop over there to see who else is taking part.

1. We're in to a season students call 'spring break'. Did you/your family travel over spring breaks when you were growing up?  Tell us something about a 'spring break' you remember (from childhood or adulthood, either one). 

I don't remember going away for spring break as a child - here it is usually in February and you can never guarantee what the weather might be like.  I can remember taking our kids to Ireland during a spring break and the crossing on the ferry was horrendous.  All 3 kids were sick, hubby was sick.  Lots of passengers were being sick.  It was awful.  The weather all week was pretty grim but fortunately we had gone to visit hubby's brother and his family so we still had a good week.

2. Last thing you broke? Was it a big deal? 

Hmm nothing important comes to mind although the handle of one of my photo mugs broke recently.  It was one of the older ones though with pictures of Grandson Nathan when he was little and having gone through the dishwasher a few times some of the pictures had come off so no, not a big deal.  Especially as I have some more recent ones.

3. March 7th is National Cereal Day...are you a fan? What's your favourite? If not cereal what's your favourite breakfast? Your typical breakfast? 

I do have cereal for breakfast but not every day.  I usually have something like cornflakes or raisin wheats or occasionally porridge.  Some days we will just have croissants but we'll often have a traditional English breakfast of egg and bacon with various trimmings.  Hubby will also make an omelette and I like to do poached eggs on toast with smoked salmon.  That's one plus of being retired - breakfast rarely has to be rushed.

4. Break ground, break of dawn, break down, break the bank, break one's stride, break the ice, break a law, break a habit, break bread...choose one of the idioms listed and tell us how it applies to your life currently. 

I'm not sure that any of those apply at the moment.  I'm trying to build habits rather than break them.

5. Where do you go to connect with friends and family? What do you like to do most when you're home alone? 

Immediate family usual meet here as our house is just about big enough for us all.  As an extended family we often get together at a social club some of us are members of as there are too many of us to use someone's house now.  

When I'm home alone I do a variety of things - read, craft, puzzle or just watch TV depending on my mood.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Well it may be spring but we woke to a thin covering of snow on the ground first thing!  It has disappeared already but the day is very miserable with rain/sleet and it's cold!


  1. Hi Wendy,
    Happy Hodgepodge to you. Spring has not arrived in my neck of the woods as well, snow and more snow in the forecast.

    I also am building habits. I am doing well with so far I hope to keep it up.

  2. I love big family gatherings. I enjoy doing the things too that you listed when you're home alone. Hope you have a good day. Try to stay dry and warm.

  3. Sorry spring is still giving you a bit of cold and sleet! Hope it warms up soon and that you have a great week!

  4. Family gathering is a special treat. We enjoy it. Spring is going to take it's time here. We are still seeing white out our windows. Hope you have a good finish to the week.

    1. Snow didn't last but weather has still been miserable.

  5. I am so happy to not have snow and sleet anymore. Our weather is low the 80s (F) these days and just perfect. Joyce gave us another fun Hodgepodge and I enjoyed your answers! xo

  6. I agree Wendy , it is miserable and cold out there at the moment. Perfect excuse to enjoy a day at home.

    1. I definitely haven't wanted to venture out.

  7. Spring break in March is always too cold for it to really be spring like!

  8. There are signs of spring though. But we've had snow at Easter before now.

  9. It's pouring rain here at the moment, but we need it for the ground and also to help bring down some of the crazy pollen we get this time of year. Everything outside is coated in yellow. I am also trying to build some new and better habits in a couple of areas. It's slow going lol.


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