
Saturday, 1 April 2023

A - Z Challenge 2023 - A is for Adorable

#AtoZChallenge 2023
Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

This year I'm writing about things connected with Being a Grandparent.  For an introduction to my grandchildren check out my theme reveal here.


I am unashamedly besotted with all my grandchildren.   They are all adorable in their own way and I have been fortunate to have been very hands on with several of them, helping out with childcare while their parents worked.

I love being a grandparent but it is very different from being a parent.  For starters you get to give them back at the end of a babysitting stint!  You also worry far more about them when they’re in your care.  God forbid anything should happen to them on your watch!  Thankfully, so far, there have been no major incidents while I’ve been in charge.  Of course you’re never really in charge because these little demons angels have minds of their own.

It’s not always easy working out what is going on in their heads but they are all nearly talking now so it’s getting easier to understand them and if they’re having trouble getting what they want Miles, for example, will just take you by the hand and drag you to whatever it is he’s after.  Vinny on the other hand will just tell me – “Nanny don’t do that” or “Nanny do it” spring to mind.

We are Nanny and Grandpa to them.  This is a mixture of our own parents – mine were Nanny and Grandad and Hubby’s were Grandma and Grandpa.  I never wanted to be a Grandma but sometimes I wish calling myself Nanny didn’t make some people think I’m just a hired help.  For a while Nathan referred to me as Nana and it almost stuck but we all used Nanny so much that he stopped doing it.  Sometimes more recently he has even referred to me as Nan.

This is just one example of how things may change as they get older but at the moment they are all still young and yes, in my eyes, adorable.


  1. Yes. They are all adorable. They are our grand children. It is our duty to love them and help them to grow into healthy adults physically and mentally. They have to feel loved and cared.

    Good to see your first post. My first post. Articles and Blogs on Industrial Engineering

    #AtoZChallenge 2023 Theme: A to Z of Industrial Engineering

  2. Grinning...wishing you a beautiful weekend, smiles.

  3. The best part is probably giving them back to their parents :-)

    Ronel visiting for A:
    My Languishing TBR: A
    Accomplished Athena

    1. Yes there are definitely times when I'm very relieved to see their parents lol

  4. I am really not that excited about being a grandparent. My daughter asked me the other day if I was sad that we don't have grandchildren yet and I said "Truthfully, no." Am I selfish?

    Janet’s Smiles

  5. Of course they are!! I look forward to the rest of the alphabet, Wendy!

  6. I'm not a grandparent yet, but seeing friends who already are, I can see where it could be so much fun! My son and daughter in law are busy with medical residencies and have said MINIMUM three years away and my daughter is a law school student and has no interest now or the near future for kids. I teach preschool, though, so I do get a lot of love from little people! Looking forward to the rest of your A to Z posts!

  7. An enjoyable theme and of course easy to find things to write about. One of my grandkids is now out ofthe adorable phase and well into the challenging stage.

    1. I think they're always a bit challenging lol

  8. Look forward to hearing how being a grandparent has been for you.

  9. This is going to be fun. I enjoyed today's write up.
    Love, Carla
    Carla from the River

  10. Love this post. The giving them back part makes it all the more enjoyable, haha.


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