
Saturday 15 April 2023

A - Z Challenge 2023 - M is for Miles

#AtoZChallenge 2023
Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

This year I'm writing about things connected with Being a Grandparent.  For an introduction to my grandchildren check out my theme reveal here.

Miles is grandchild #5, the last of the boys. (So far of course lol)

He arrived, slightly early in September 2020, another lockdown baby.  He's Noah's younger brother and he's really smiley.  

I know we don't usually take pictures of children when they're miserable but Miles isn't often grumpy, at least not when we see him, although his parents might disagree.

I'm sure there have been many times when he's been upset.  He's had Covid and spent a couple of nights in hospital.  Fortunately he recovered quite quickly.  He's also currently got chicken pox so he's probably not too happy at the moment.

Like most younger siblings he can also be a torment to his older brother but it's hard to get cross with him when he can beam like this:

We don't see as much of Miles and his brother Noah as the other grandchildren but they are always pleased to see us and I know that they have a smashing pair of grandparents living close to them who take great care of them when needed.

And thankfully technology makes it even easier to stay in touch these days.


  1. Great name! What a cute face too.

  2. Miles is adorable!! I love learning about your grands in this year's A-Z!! Good subject choice!! xo

  3. Grinning...thank you for sharing. Have a beautiful day.

  4. OH that smile. I love it. It made me smile.
    Happy Days Wendy!!!


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