
Friday, 27 October 2023

Friday's Fave Five - 27/10/23

Well it's definitely feeling colder here and leaves are falling.  It's not as cold as where our host Susanne is though - she already has snow!  But there are always things to be grateful for and shared here on Fridays.

1)  Lots of grandchildren time again this week with it being half-term.  I had Vinny all day last Friday as his nursery was closed then on Saturday evening I babysat Nathan and Ella.  Not the easiest thing on my own as Ella really didn't want to go to bed lol.  Wednesday evening I babysat them again but had an easier time - Nick was with me so he settled Nathan while I managed to get Ella to sleep - divide and conquer.

I also had Ella during the day on Monday and I've had Rory today.  

2. This heron usually perches on the other side of the lake where it's not easy to get a good shot of it.  On Monday it was on the platform on the more accessible side of the  lake.  I edged slowly closer to it and managed to get this photo

Before I took this one!

I love living being so near to the lake and forest.

3)  Keeping up my walking - I've managed to dodge the rain showers we've had and get out for at least half an hour each day (except Thursday - see below).

4)  Yesterday I met up with my "Lunch Ladies" and another former colleague in the afternoon.  It was nice to have a catch up and the walk to and from the station meant I still got my step count up.

5)  A good session at the Foodbank yesterday.  I've been complimented on my organisational skills before but often there isn't time to do much long term organising - last week I ended up running the kitchen but this week I was able to spend the whole session in the store room which meant I was able to do some proper sorting while putting away the delivery.  It's satisfying when you feel like you're making a difference albeit in a small way.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. You are lucky to live by a lake and the forest. I live in the city and have to drive a distance to be in nature. My grands are getting older now. The older two don't need us as much but they are with us 4 day a week, The younger two were going to come over today, but Ampa was not feeling well. We will see them on Sunday at church. Good that you can use your skills at the Foodbank!

  2. Hi Wendy. I think it is so great that you volunteer at the local food bank. It's also great that you get to spend so much time with your grandchildren. What a blessing they are to you, and you to them. I love the pictures of the herons at the lake. It's great that you live so close to such a beautiful natural space. Have a good weekend! See you again soon!

  3. You got a great picture of the heron!! How nice that you get so much time with the grandkids. They are lucky to have you close enough to be constants in their lives. Wishing you a great weekend, Wendy!!

  4. Heron! My favorite bird. They are so graceful when they fly.
    You had great opportunities for fun with your grands--except bedtime...
    It is good when you can really use your organizing skills to help at the Foodbank.
    Have a great weekend and keep on walking (even to the station).

  5. I LOVE herons!! You got a great shot of a very graceful bird. we have one in our neighborhood who hangs out by the creek across the road.
    YAY for organizing the Food Pantry!
    Enjoy your weekend and hope your weather is as lovely as ours is!

  6. So glad you had lots of grandparenting time! What nice shots of the heron. It's lovely to live near a lake and forest. We don't live near enough to either to walk, but we're close enough to them to go when we want to. It's good to have some time out with friends. That's so great you can help out at the food bank.

  7. I enjoy watching herons. Time with the Grands is best. And High Fives with the food bank. :-)

  8. Lovely birds, those herons. I don't think I've seen one in real life. Your and your hubby are blessings to your kids and grandkids. So nice that you live close that you are able to help out that way and spend time with the kids. I'm sure the food bank is so grateful that you share your gift of organizing with them!

  9. Divide and conquer is definitely the way to go with little grands : ) We're watching the 16-month old on Saturday so resting up now lol. We have a lot of heron here too and I love them. They look a little bit prehistoric to me. Enjoy the rest of your week!


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