
Saturday 20 January 2024

Friday's Fave Five - 19/1/24

It's Friday and time to look back on the week and find the good things and then share with other bloggers here.  Thanks to our host Susanne.

1)  Thanks firstly to Linda who has been hosting the Just Jot it January challenge. (To post something every day in January.)  Today's prompt for that was tenacious.  Well I haven't been as tenacious as I'd like because I missed 2 days of the challenge this week but I'm thankful that I can get over that.  I missed Monday because of a night out with Hubby and yesterday was a busy day so that was another day with no blog post.  But I have finished 2 books and posted reviews so I'm cutting myself some slack.

2)  Thankful for a night out with Hubby courtesy of my daughter and her wife.  We had a voucher for a meal out at Quaglino's in London's Mayfair.  It's a restaurant that also has live bands playing.  The food was really good and it's a lovely venue but we went on Monday and it was sooo quiet in there.  (Although there was a singer performing.)  It was also a very cold night so not lots of people out and about.  I'm sure it's more lively at the weekend but the voucher was only valid for use between Monday - Wednesday.  Anyway we still had a nice evening. (I was also glad that we are so close to central London and that the transport system gives us lots of options - our original route was subject to long delays but we were able to take another route that, although meant an extra change on the underground and a bit more walking, got us there on time for our reservation.)

3)  Quite a lot of time with Grandchildren again this week.  We babysat Nathan and Ella on Saturday and Wednesday evenings and managed to get them both to bed without too much hassle on both nights.  And once asleep they stayed asleep.  Last Sunday we had Rory and Vinny (and their parents) here for lunch.  And then yesterday I collected Nathan from school and had some 1:1 time with him here.

4)  Sunny weather - but very cold!  The lake has been frozen.  I walked through the park down to the lake just as the sun was setting today.

It's nice that the days are gradually getting longer again.  I don't mind the cold too much - I have a really warm coat plus hats, gloves etc and a pair of leggings that are fur lined.  I also wear quite a few layers and I walk quite fast lol.  Grateful too that all the cygnets from our lake have been relocated by the rescue team.

5)  I was grateful for those fur lined leggings on Tuesday as I had a funeral to attend.  (The mother of a former work colleague of mine.)  Waiting about outside the church it was really cold.  It was good to find a cafe afterwards with another friend for a hot drink and a catch up.  

So quite a busy week but a good one.

Have a good weekend all - we expecting storm Isha on Sunday so it's going to be very windy and wet, but warmer.


  1. Hi Wendy. Glad you had a good week. I hope you enjoy your weekend.

  2. Time with the grands is always a blessing (even when they don't want to take their naps).
    Good for you to get out and walk around the lake. Here it is just too cold (the wind is a huge factor, too). I haven't been out for a walk in more than a week which makes me a little stir crazy.
    I'm glad you were able to finish two books. Reading time especially in the winter is something to enjoy to the fullest.
    Stay warm and cozy!

  3. Your busy week was a good busy week! I just love that you have grandkids so close and that you have so much good quality time with them. What a blessing for you and for them! Nice to get a night out with hubby and a free dinner voucher! Wishing you a great week ahead, Wendy. I hope it is good busy but that you have some chill time too.

  4. It sounds like a busy but very satisfying week. I'd say that fitting in as much blogging as you did was impressive.

  5. Love your pictures of the lake. Maybe I need to set some blogging goals as it does seem to slip by me so easily and before I know it the week is done and I've hardly posted.


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