
Friday 26 April 2024

Friday's Fave Five - 26/4/24

I'm here on time this week!

Susanne reminds us every week to look back and find the blessings in the week - there are always some.  Here are mine:

1.  A family gathering last weekend - it was bittersweet for me as it was a farewell party for my son and his family who will be off to Vermont quite soon.  But it was good to catch up with a lot of family members and also their friends.  Many of their friends and of course their cousins have young families like them so there were lots of children there.  They'd hired a bouncy castle which kept them entertained all afternoon.

The party went on into the evening but we took their boys home and put them to bed so my son and his wife could enjoy the evening without two tired little ones bothering them.

2.  The party meant we got to see my other son and his family for the weekend.  And Ness the dog.  Ness doesn't like being left alone, especially in a strange place so we have a crate for her.

Which doubled up nicely as a den for the two boys.  Kept them amused for ages.  Unfortunately they were able to let themselves out! lol

3.  Knit and Natter session on Wednesday - I'm always thankful to meet up with like minded friends and catch up.

4.  Postal voting.  We have a London Mayoral election next week and the London Assembly.  I like voting by post as I don't have to worry about if or when I can get to a local polling station on the day.  We got our ballot papers at the end of last week and we've both completed and posted them.

5.  Quick delivery from online shopping.  I ordered a few necessities earlier this week.  One parcel has already been delivered and the other is on its way.  

Of course there are lots of other things to be grateful for - especially if you dare to turn on the news right now.  Probably best not to.

Have a good weekend all.

Oh and as a P.S.  only 3 letters left for the A-Z challenge I've been doing.


  1. How fun to have your whole family together. I hope your son and his children/wife have a safe trip back to my part of the world :)

    What is the A-Z Challenge??

    I love ordering online...especially when there's free shipping involved!

    Only news I watch is the first half hour of The Today Show and of course right now the big thing here in NYS is the trial of the ex "leader" trump....happening live in Manhatten and BOY are we hoping he's found guilty and actually is sent away. (rant over!)
    have a good weekend

  2. How neat to have a family get-together before your son and his family leaves. It was thoughtful of you to bring the tired little ones home. If you're like me---much as I love my family, I get tired before they do, too. :-)

    I love that online shopping is usually quick. I wish that we had postal voting here.

    I try to avoid the news except for short summaries on the radio.

    1. Yes we were glad to go home once my son and his wife got back even though the boys were good.

  3. It's so good to catch up with you and the rest of the FFF group. I can imagine the boys have such fun with that crate! It was nice that you gave their parents a little time to themselves. I wish I could do that for my son and his wife, but they live so far away.
    Postal voting is the best. Sometimes I miss being at the polls and the feeling of community. But, it's much easier for me to fill out my ballot with my cheat sheet at home!
    Enjoy your weekend, Wendy.

    1. Thanks Karen. We've done postal voting for a while now.

  4. Oh gosh, I know it is hard to say goodbye to loved ones who are going to a far-away home. You've had a good long visit and the cousins will have memories now. I do online shopping all the time now. Love it... and I'm lazy. Ha! Happy weekend, Wendy!

    1. Yes I'm not looking forward to their leaving day.

  5. How forward thinking of you to do a postal vote. I thought about it too late so I need to be up and out early to make sure I vote.

  6. I never voted in my whole life ! In Belgium I wasn't allowed because I am not Belgian, in Germany I wasn't allowed because I lived in Belgium (but that has changed now, but I don't know the politicians) the only country I could vote was Italy, and there I don't know any politician either. So the 3 of us never voted ! We still have cold weather and rain, I am happy to be here and have company when I want to, can drive around, receive whom I want to all hours, it's really like home except that I also have nurses if needed. I am on permanent holidays ! Be happy that you doesn't have to vote in the USA, lol ! One antique and one fool !

    1. That's very frustrating about your lack of voting rights.

  7. Getting together with family is so special even if it is a going away party for some of them. Vermont is a lovely state. I hope they will be happy there.
    I agree with you about the news. It's depressing and I just pray.
    Our big national election is coming up this November. It's worrying.
    I love Amazon for their quick delivery. Subscribing to their Amazon Prime helps but even without that, it's not too bad.
    I hope you have a great weekend.

  8. Family gatherings are always nice. I try to avoid the news. I like to vote by mail too. I have been for over 20 years. I like Amazon too, but don't order as much now. Enjoy the upcoming week!

  9. Lately, I've been doing more online shopping because local shops don't have what I need.
    Wow! Your son is moving to Vermont! (I recall his wife is from there, right?) Maybe that means you will be planning a trip to the US soon?
    The boys had great fun with the crate. Sometimes I wonder why we buy so many toys for the children.
    Have a good week! Knit and natter again?

    1. No knit and natter this week - it's usually fortnightly. Yes my DIL is from Vermont and of course we will be visiting but no plan in place yet.


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